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A member registered Sep 30, 2024

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Thanks Anyways . . . Re-Downloaded the Public Vers.1.44 . . . This time it worked as it should have the first time . Now just up-dating all the Mods I had used B4 to the latest versions . BTW-Love this Mod !

(1 edit)

The link in your UPDATE leads not to what you intended  . . . instead it leads to the "Strange Potion" Download . Might want to fix this Please !  :)

EDIT: Though, the Link in first message takes you to the link needed anyway .

I went to update this mod from the Beta 1.3 version, as-in, Public version1.44, is now working as intended, so, I had to update all the Mods I was using previously .

Question : 

How, or, Where does one acquire these items ? 

As-in, are they found as "Loot" ? (which, may be too late to "save" some of your characters).

Or, . . .  Are they available, in the Guild's "Armory" ? (where all the characters can find the "Generic Gear" )

I just checked the Mod I had downloaded of your Mods .

The Zip was labeled "FutaMod_121EXP , so, it should have worked, right .

Inside, on the "Mod_Info.txt" sheet, it stated "minimum-version": 1.33 .

So, guess it really wasn't even 1.21, and why it wouldn't work, in the Beta 1.3 version of the game .

That's the reason I was asking about a lower version, and before you say, "Just up-date to 1.4.4"  . . . tried that , and for some strange reason, (even Madox doesn't understand it), it won't run on my PC at this time , so, I'm stuck with the Beta 1.3 . 

Also, couldn't find a "Version 1.33" of the game, even though most of the "Mods" here are listed for that version, (oldest vers. before ver.1.4/1,4.1 became available). . and strange again, is that some marked as "ver, 1.33" work, while others, marked "ver.1.33" don't .

Can you make this to work on  an earlier version ?  . . . 

Need/Want for version Beta 1.3 . 

(Currently can't run versions above that, weirdly .)

Do you still have a version of the  Futamod, between, ver. 1.30 to ver. 1.33  ?

The "mod vers." paired with the "Paladin Tweak" Mod, was a later  ver. than, 1.33, so it wouldn't work . The game wouldn't "Accept" it .

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What's the difference between "LEGACY" and "OLD" versions ?

I'm playing version 1.3 public . . . So, which version do I need ?

@Princessity :

The description of this mod seems to be wrong . . . they don't look like Maids, to me  . . . :P

@Princessity - You have two mods with different names but, sames descriptions ???

This one seems to be the correct one.

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According to your description "Sexy underwear that can pass as a bikini. Stretchy, tight fitting, slightly transparent ."

Slightly transparent, and transparent, are Not the same . . . and the image shown, looks more closer to "slightly translucent", (actually more-so opaque, at least in the first/top image )  .

  Call it what it is, not what you want others to believe it is . . . just change the description as written here to "slightly transparent/translucent" . Otherwise it's , Click Bait . . .

What version will this work with . . . Version 1.33 ? or version 1.44 ? . . . or both ?

Read here there is a basement . . . Where ?  I 'bumped' into every wall, looking for a door . . . found none ! How does one 'use' the flashlight ? Picked it up, (somehow), but can't figure how to turn it on . ( first time ever trying one of these types of games . . . so, nothing is obvious, and 'easy' to know what to do .) But, it looked interesting . It's like trying to play a game, that has no instruction manual with it, and you have no clue how to play it . :(

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Quick Question :

That "bar" , (lower-left-side-of screen), that displays icons, (like, shower-head ), representing various conditions, (needs a shower, asap), that the MC should be rectifying sooner, rather-than-later .

My question is, the icon, shown to the extreme right, is partially obscured, by the MC's body . . . it looks to be a profile of a head, with the "brains" pulsating . 

What condition is that icon, supposed to be, representing/alerting, the MC, that needs to be "dealt" with, soon-ish  ?  "thinking" emoji

Thank You for replies, both future and past ! :)

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Under the "Character Stats" area :

Suggestion/Want/Need :  Additional Sex-Acts Counted/Tallied   ( the term, Taken*, could  be, Received, instead . . . your choice Dev .)

They Happen, (quite graphically), They should be, counted too !

1-Anal Fucks : Given, & Taken*

2-Vaginal Fucks Given, & Taken* . . . 

3-and maybe, "Cream-pies" : Given, & Taken, (as some people are quite "into" that fetish ! ) "devilishly smiling" emoji

Also, might as well add a Request here as well . . . :

How about adding the Fetishes : Exhibitionism !& Commando, abilities/desires to the MC, either before the accident, or, after ?? ( via, his personal interests, or, via, the Housemates, personal, devious desires )  "pleading", &, "devilishly-smiling" emoji's

Or, add Hair Shampoo . . . an added, 'money-drain/debt', for 'him'-to-'her', to pay for ? 

(also, before transition/transformation, of the male MC, it could be 'treated' by Jane, as an "early-start", to his New Life, as designed/desired, by the Housemates ! "sneaky" emoji 

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Okay, when looking at the "Cheat Sheet", I noticed an item, "Skip Chapter". . . being curious as I am, I clicked it, (as I was getting frustrated anyway), by 'things' seeming not to be working as I thought, they might/should have, and was thinking to do a "restart" anyway, now I know a bit more on what/how things are kinda "supposed" to work .

So, this concerns, the aforementioned (from a previous Post, by me), Ice Cream Parlor in/at the Downtown area . 

When, the MC visits Erin there, she offers her some extra/better pay capability, there .

 Doing the whole "serving the customer"routine, several times repeatedly, there seems to be a never-ending loop, with no-end , as Time seems to have stopped . I think, I did it at the least, 6 times, (maybe more ), of a 3-customer-orders grouping, ( as the MC, was rewarded at the least 3-4 times with "Bonus Cash" for doing a, so good job), and the shift never seemed to change, it still showed Afternoon .

I'm guessing, it's a "testing" of the system, in that new location, and the "shifts", have not yet been set-up ? . . . . That, or, it's just bugging-out  . . . "thinking-face" emoji

So, this is more of a heads-up, as how things are, working/not working, here as-it-stands . (still would like some feed-back, all the same :) )

 It looks interesting, . . . though, with-out some kinds of, sexual innuendo events, and, intimates-revealing clothing-mishaps, it will get "old"/uninteresting, fairly fast, IMHO .

Waiting to see how you "flesh" it out . :)


Concerning the Ice Cream Parlor, in the Downtown area, (owned by Erin, of the Mall's Coffee Cafe) ; 

Are there, currently any "sexual" events, mishaps, etc, similar to what the Coffee Cafe has, where the MC can 'gain' more sexually encouraged experience, and transforming influences and, explicit exhibitionist exposures, pushing them down the 'path' the player desires, for their MC/PC  ?

If not yet, are any planned, to be included, as the progress moves forward, . . . ?

Some of my  interests/fetishes are : M2F (not M2Sissy), Exhibitionism, Lactation & Milking, Pregnancy/risk-of, Females & M2F pushed/coerced to wear risky/skimpier clothing outfits, etc. , as the game/story progresses forward .

First time playing this game . . . I like it very much, so far . . . the art/images of the characters, are also very well done . . . I have a great interest to see, if further additions to the Clothing items, continue to get more Risque/more revealing of the character's beautiful sexy body . PS - The Girl-on-Girl sex images are very voyeuristic to look upon :P ! Nicely Done !

Playing : Reversed_Win_8-5 version, downloaded , (first-time trying game) .

Bug ? :  

When shopping at the Clothing Store, sometimes, when one goes to purchase an item from the "Outfits" Dept . , it will be offered at half of it's original cost !

 Example : the Black (oriental-like) Dress, (extreme-right top location), at $120, it will be offered, at $60, when you 'click' to buy it . . . ( unfortunately ), it still takes the FULL amount from the MC's cash, and It can be quite 'jarring', when your finished purchasing, to see your cash is all gone, instead of half -gone ! 

Is it, intentional, or, a Bug, to sometimes make those, half-price offers, (but not, do as-it-is, currently doing) ??

One of the Main Tasks is : "Comfortable at work" . 

Description: I'm not making enough money at work, Beth says I need to work on a few areas .

Objectives :  area 1

What or Where is, "area 1" ???  . . . More, or, better information is needed, to know, what must be done, or how to do it.

These following examples, may be "Bugs"

Next : Tasks that are completed, yet are not accredited !

Example : Eve Task "Help Eve, Visit the Store Downtown" . . . The 'items' were purchased, and used on Eve . Done & Done. But , . . . it's still not showing as completed . . . anywhere, except in-game , via dialog and images .

Another ExampleBeth Task : "Handing Out Flyers" . . . Has been successfully done several times . . . yet is never accredited !

How many times does 'she' have to do it, successfully, for it to get accredited, and 'she' gets paid ?

Hope this is helpful .