This was incredible, the ending scene almost made me tear up. Thank you
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Hi, I played this game with my friends and we had SO much fun!! We got the Normal and the True ending and it was incredibly funny from the start to the end. The last battles were a bit too difficult at first but after farming the Behemoth From Bible 1 a few times I got to max level and they felt more balanced, and the combat system and stuff felt really fun.
We also laughed a lot because it reminded us A LOT of the RPG Maker games we used to make back in high school, when we also made silly games with random jokes for our friends to see. There were a lot of tropes that we also used, like "Why did you think enemies would drop money? That doesn't make sense" or "Isn't anybody gonna say anything about (weird ass boss we just fought)?", so it was kind of a nice trip down memory lane in that sense.
Bottom line is, great game, really fun, I hope your friends liked it as much as we did!
Hey- I can't believe this game has no comments. I just finished it, and I found it incredibly moving. I also could relate to nearly all (if not all) the things the main character talked about... That feeling of losing yourself when you go to college, and staying holed up in your room as everything around you feels like too much as you try to find yourself again. Of sinking into fantasies trying to escape reality, of trying to go back to simpler times, trying to remember how you did it to be happy back then. I feel this game encapsulates all those feelings much better than any other work I've ever seen. Thank you for releasing it into the world.
Absolutely beautiful game... The gorgeous art and the heartfelt writing left me without words. I truly felt the peace in this being's heart as the cosmos ended. I chose the lonely planet, so that, at least in the end, it could have someone cherishing its beauty, even if it was just for a fleeting moment. Thank you for this wonderful game.
Hola, me llamo Pedro y yo tampoco soy alumno tuyo, me recomendó mi amigo Dani este juego anoche y acabo de terminarlo, y (siendo breve para no abrumarte mucho con comentarios en esta página) simplemente quería felicitarte por haber hecho algo tan positivo para tus alumnos. Yo sí que he estudiado física, en la Universidad de Granada (aunque ya hace varios años que di termodinámica y no me acuerdo bien de algunas cosas), y me gusta mucho cómo están organizados los contenidos a lo largo del juego, se hace muy entretenido ir aprendiendo todos los conceptos con los apuntes y las preguntas. Ojalá hubiese tenido yo un juego así cuando tuve que estudiar termodinámica...
A mí también me gusta usar el RPG Maker en mi tiempo libre, y soy consciente de la cantidad de trabajo que conlleva hacer un juego, aunque sea corto, así que espero que a tus alumnos les guste, y desde luego seguro que les ayudará un montón a aprender termodinámica. Este año voy a empezar un doctorado y, dado que yo también acabaré siendo profesor de universidad, me hace muy feliz ver profesores tan dedicados a la enseñanza y preocupados por el aprendizaje de sus alumnos.
Enhorabuena y un saludo,
I randomly found this game on Tumblr some time ago, and I still can't believe my eyes. The love put into every single illustration in this game is incredible, accompanied by an artstyle that keeps my eyes glued to the screen in pure awe, and the writing feels so ethereal and charming that I could keep on reading for hours. I feel I'm being transported into a strange yet enticing world, inviting me to become lost in it mysteries. Truly a wonderful game, I would love to see more from you.