Awesome! Thanks again!
Recent community posts
Hi, me again! After some play (fun!) some more questions popped up, I hope you don't mind!
On the faction tracker sheet there is a box for reputation level bonuses. I can't find those in the book, is that official or more like a houserule?
When I move into a settlement, on which table should I rule the travel encounter?
When a faction grows 1 or 2 hexes per settlement, I guess each settlement grows 1 or 2 hexes?
Hi, found your answer while browsing here after getting your fantastic game! Was a little surprised by the answer to question 3 about the contracts: The rules are not that clearly written imo. The settlement action overview the plural "find new contracts" and second paragraph under contracts also uses the plural "the player creates new contracts up to..." paragraph 3: "for each new contract added...." also implies it could be multiples.
So, if this is not intended I think it could be written a little bit clearer.