Hey!!..Thank you for playing..:)
hey thank you for the feedback!!.I really appreciate it. I'm glad you enjoyed it
Thank you for playing escape loop.. ..try talking to your self.if you know.what i mean:)
Hey..thank you for playing!!..glad you enjoyed it:)
well you can try...:) by the way, thank you for playing. I really appreciate it..
Hey.sorry for any inconvenience.thank you for trying..can you tell me.setup or the installed game caught by antivirus?
Hey.thank you again.i highly appreciate it it!!
Thank you for playing!!...you were almost there:)
Thank you bro..!
Hey Thank You..!
i did not add jogging or sprinting mechanic because i thought it might ruin the vibe.but thank you for your feedback !!..i appreciate it
Thank you...hope you enjoyed it