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A member registered May 08, 2022

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You made it clear from the beginning that you have no intention of being a part of a constructive discussion. I won't be replying to your attempts to get your rocks off on having an internet argument with someone who dared to give feedback to your beloved game anymore.

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Thank you for being level headed enough to put two thoughts through your neurons before reacting to my criticism unlike the downvote brigade apes. I did end up forcing myself to put up with the control scheme for item handling and so far I've made it to day 20 and I'm having an incredible time with the game, but I'm not very dextrous with my hands so its a struggle when I need to move things from the ground to my hands or inventory, but I am slowly getting some measure of a hang on things.

I did try and bring this criticism to their discord feedback channel last year I believe(same username as here if you care to search the server history) and I was confronted with this exact level of juvenile nonsense.

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you really didn't read my comment huh?

I did do the tutorial. I am not talking about the tutorial. I am talking exclusively about how the controls are handled in broad terms when interacting with items.

I really wish I could enjoy the game like everyone else, but the way items are interacted with (holding left alt... and other buttons? what? why? so needlessly clunky.) completely stops me in my tracks. This game is wonderful and I adore watching it be played, but these item/object interaction control requirements are arcane beyond necessity. Sure I can rebind them, but we're still needlessly using multi key inputs just to put something in my dang hands.