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A member registered Mar 20, 2017

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Brilliant game. I'm sure this is a silly question for a primarily non-commercial indie product, but any chance for an android port? Not having a big complicated inventory, among other design decisions, makes this look like it would be very at home there.

I feel like that would take away from the charm of the game. Games where there's voice chat normally get toxic really fast, and it's harder to stop bad language and harassment when it's via voice - loud and angry people end up dominating, and sometimes literally drowning out the others.

I feel like that would take away from the charm of the game. Games where there's voice chat normally get toxic really fast, and it's harder to stop bad language and harassment when it's via voice - loud and angry people end up dominating, and sometimes literally drowning out the others.

There are already hotkeys you can press to use, report a body, etc. It's E to use, R to report, and Q to kill.

I'm still so amazed that this game suddenly blew up recently, after years. It feels really cool for all my friends to now also know about this gem, and I'm really glad that you're future proofing the game with a sequel built from the ground up to work with that fame :) I'm also extremely happy that there's gonna be a mobile version in the sequel, being able to play the game anywhere is a great feature I'm glad we're keeping. And, last but not least, your commitment to keeping v1 up as long as possible, then swapping to open source, is exactly what every game should do and I couldn't be happier.

One question, unrelated - are you ever going to add Chromebook support, or at least WASD movement support, to the Android version? I play on my Chromebook a lot, and it's hard to use the Android controls with a mouse. Possible, of course, but it's lacking in finesse.

Thank you! :)

Also, aww, I saw the second printing "may have one less ribbon"? I hope it turns out to still have both. I personally use both ribbons in every session - one for my prompt page, and one for the number tables in the back, because I absolutely adore the number tables and use them for every roll.

Yeah, that'll work! Thanks!

(1 edit)

Hi Tim! Your game is literally the best RPG out there imo, and I've played a lot of them. I recommend it whenever possible.

One thing - my copy has the gold leaf printed significantly off, clipping over the faux-labels on their tops and not starting for a while after their bottoms. Is there something I can do to rectify this at all? It's fine if it's not within your power, since there's a print company between you and all that. I'm happy to have the book at all, but I figured I'd ask.

Edit: to add pic.