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A member registered Jul 16, 2023

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Is there a way to change your NPC's gender (for free) in a current run or only at the beginning of one

(3 edits)

I love this game I really do but when I got to the final boss it kind of sank a bit, along the way the bosses got harder and that's obvious to why but when you get to the final boss you basically have all your upgrades and she really isn't hard to beat along with attacks being slow and the main threat is just her being tanky and the arena itself except if you just dash the obvious laser and energy sphere.  The way I'd see her getting any form of buff would possibly be a new attack and to speed her up because unless you're doing upgradless, she takes around a minute to kill with maxed out leg strength and you wouldn't even need any upgrades in gun, health, or regen (also the girls on the side can't attack you if you're in the middle of the stage).  Compared to the Angel and Werewolf who was at least a little hard to hit since you had to keep jumping and shooting and dodging when they started chasing you and put you in a grab.  I was kind of hoping for an animation with her that being anything or something with the girls in the tanks but no. I would love to see at least something get added with her and the girl with the Angel and Final Boss fight on the... Meat Pillar..? Not sure what it is but I think she could make for an easy scene. Would love to see a futanari alternate version of the boss depending on your Dick EXP or just maybe a setting as well. (Also what was the point of the girls in the tank, they just climbed into her tits and that was it, it felt more like just time to attack the boss if anything. (I saw what it was, it was just a minuscular heal.  The health she healed was basically worth a no upgrade kick and should probably get a buff)) Anyways I'll stop my selfish ramblings about what I'd like to see in the game, if you continue development to add new stuff for some reason, I can't wait to see it, keep up the good work! (One last thing, Metal needs a drop buff, take some % out of wood drop and put it into metal, after breaking every box in the game and killing tons of enemies, getting to the end I was still starved for Metal and was thriving on wood, could have just been my RNG but yea.  Anyways great game!)

(1 edit)

The door puzzle for Slutty Kathy is in the order of a rainbow, took me like an hour to realize that for some reason