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A member registered Nov 04, 2018

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cool game. Are the two impossible doors supposed to be connected? (the one Legi couldn't open and the one covered by rubble).

Add a keyboard-only control scheme for laptop users. For the battle sections, the cursor could be controlled with WASD. Shift would make the cursor go faster, and enter would basically be left click. Right click could be ctrl + enter or maybe just alt. For the sex sections, A could be left and D could be right.

Also fix the itch page. It looks like this now:

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam features

wait you got the rickroll to work? I keep clicking the letters but nothing happens.


cool game, but (+max ammo) is a power down since the last loaded shell takes 0 time. Higher max ammo means less reloads get skipped.

You first have to beat the final boss. The code for the organic machine is at the end of the credits. The organic machine only does 2 things

1. fixes the shit ass fonts citizens of the expanse use

2. if activated at the start of the game, gives an early Glutton Emblem and EXP Scarab. As far as I'm aware, this is the only way to get all 4 EXP Scarabs.

Grinding is not necessary, but you will often have to fight a huge number of enemies while trying to unlock various secrets. Fights can drag on for a long time, especially on nightmare difficulty. Beating the game and all post-game content took me 34 hours! It would be nice if enemy spawns were halved and enemy rewards were doubled. A lot of the game is spent doing the same fights over and over.

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I've noticed the same thing happen on mission 2 in particular. I think the game gets a whole beat ahead of the music by the end of that mission.

I don't think it's really possible to sync the gameplay and music unless one actually affects the other. For instance, Mother 3 has the music follow the beat patten in-game. I think a more reasonable approach would be to have certain points where the game resets the beat by checking what timestamp it has made it to in the music.

Given this only happens with some tracks, I'd guess it has something to do with the tempo not matching up with the framerate of the game. Unless the BPM evenly divides 3000 (assuming a fixed update rate of 50), you'd need a different delay between each beat. Common tempos that fail this test are:

80, 84, 88, 92, 96, 104, 108, 112, 116, 126, 132, 138, 144

Edit: just checked. The offending song is 120 BPM. I have no idea what the problem is.

on god she's just a cartoon, no cap.

is that republican music in the background?

I honestly don't understand what this is supposed to mean. Are you telling me to kill myself? Is that what people do in Dutch hospitals?

I don't complain for attention. I'm 19 years old. I live on my own. The creator says he only did it to fool Patreon staff. You give a shit.

English motherfucker. Do you speak it?

I know people with a special interest in rape aren't known for caring for people other than themselves. Maybe some day in the future, people will realize that the only way to curtail this kind of behavior is by threatening them economically. But who knows? Maybe Patreon staff have the time to look at every single report. I doubt it.

Bullshit. What could mastercard possibly be paving the way for in this endeaver?

Neat. Love old shooter games. If you want to make it really feel like wolf3d, don't normalize movement vectors. That means running at 45 degree angles is faster. 

These rules weren't made to keep the little guy down. Nintendo is not afraid of a game about a catgirl getting raped. Capcom is not afraid. Rockstar is not even afraid. They are not worried about it eating into their market shares. I don't need to read Das Kapital to know that.

Oh yea sorry I'm not too happy when my gooning material has some bitch getting raped when the creator pinky-promised everything was consensual. And sorry that I'm just a little unhappy that porn is increasingly pushing people towards rape fetishism. And maybe I'm just a tad irritated when these furries have a whole fucking wholesome schtick when what their product is built on repackaging suffering as a fun outing. Call me fucking triggered. If only there was some kind of warning that could prevent that.

Could've at least put it on the itch.io page or at the very least used coded language. Sure it was profitable to lie in the game, but it wasn't profitable to "forget" on your itch page. 

"But what if Patreon staff read the itch.io page and sees there's a content warning?" What if some asshole reads the itch.io page and sees there isn't?

oh i have a couple of criticisms:

1. never used the phrase "taught him a lesson"

2. never used the term "target audience"

"Every character in this game fully consents to the sex acts"

Bullshit. Did a lawyer write that? If you're going to make a rape game, put a content warning, not a disclaimer denying it. Some people.

Really like the combat. The animation+sound for the remington shotgun is fucking swag. The boobs are too big imo but I imagine others like it so whatever.  It doesn't make sense that AIDA sides with the weird butt guy when he goes after Roxanne. Maybe it could be a dialogue option idk.

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Nice game, but it kinda looks like family guy. Nightmare mode is very slow. It took me 30 something hours just to beat the main campaign. Is it possible to kill Uboa?

edit: nvm i killed uboa

A version of the combat system that works with keyboard only would be nice for laptop users. The most rudimentary idea is to just let the cursor be controlled by the arrow keys, but you could also add extra keys for using player attacks so people don't have to deal with the hassle of going up and down whenever they need to attack.

not a bug per se, but you should check the description for the game. The phrase "Paid version is the same as the "Demo" contentwise there won't be more updates so only buy it if you want to support me or get the steam featuresappears 4 times in a row.

Beat this

what if blade and sorcery was good

The letters "rickroll" are bolded in the menu where the cheat menu used to be activated. Clicking these letters seems to do nothing.


click the fine print and say "run anyway." Your OS doesn't recognize every indie game off itch.io

(4 edits)

I tried cheating it in, but that didn't really work. As far as I'm aware the only easter egg on cam 6 is Wolf Link and Midna from Twilight Princess. There is no sex scene for these two, and there is no sex scene for any secret character other than golden freddy.

p.s. you could just reply to my comment on the game itself

edit: you probably mean Toriel. There's still no sex scene but there's plenty of "content" of her online

I 100%ed the game with no cheats, and I have to say: there should definitely be a way to place drills on tiles you don't currently occupy.

Oh also a demolitionist girl in the volcano who increases the prevalence of TNT

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Release 43.2

Sometimes Zaria's boost just stops working. Well, I think what's actually happening is that every instance of her boost acts as if she is at level 1 regardless of her actual level**. I don't know specifically what causes it, but it seems to happen when you introduce a party member whose ability conflicts with hers (like nav) and then remove said party member. This issue is only fixed by powering up Zaria.

Sometimes at very high depths, your party members (including the player character) won't target enemies previously marked "don't kill" at all* (regardless of their hp). This makes them incredibly slow to kill, as you HAVE to use m2 special attacks. This doesn't happen all the time, so it may actually just be a result of a battle taking too long. This is almost unavoidable if you actually go for the all drills achievement.

Disabling the fuck permit still allows characters to fuck each other. The only way to prevent that is to individually edit each character's relationships with the permit tweaker. This actually has gameplay effects in the case of Oriana.

Pose unlocks for characters don't show up when unlocking them a second time after powering them up. Also, powering up a character removes their penis, even if they are male.

It is possible to buy a tile type even if you are already on a tile with that property. Doing this achieves absolutely nothing while giving the player the illusion of progress.

*Edit: This actually seems to apply even when enemies aren't marked "dont kill." Maybe it's specifically something that happens to the last enemy left alive after the clusterfuck of resources spawned from the second to last enemy. If it helps, I've only had this happen for the shades and once with a blue variant of an existing enemy (I think it was the polar bear)

*Edit2: I'm certain of this now: If an enemy's current hp is too high, your allies will not recognize it as alive and will avoid attacking it. I imagine this is due to an integer overflow. It is incredibly disruptive at high depths.

**edit3: I recently had this happen except she copied the level of Oriana who was in my third slot. That is, I had +93% chests while Zaria was level 99 and oriana was level 62.

I think it's intentional. Hold space to drain your own hp. Use turbo badge to speed up all sex. heat also increases speed, and facefuck/tied facefuck are the fastest poses. In fact, I think they're the only two poses that are faster than the default.


Cool game, but there's some important things missing.

For one, there NEEDS to be a max framerate option. While the Unity editor will automatically cap games at 60 fps, the final build of games will not. This means the player's PC will overheat and explode bc it's trying to run this game at 2000 fps.

For two, it would be nice if there was a "snap" mode for building. Right now, it is nearly impossible to fit two fuckboxes in a single tile even though a fuckbox is only half a tile wide. The snap mode would allow you to place one box in a corner and the other directly next to it with no empty room.

btw 1 death 8 hits ez game

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rape moment

nice Survivorlike 

boba tea means half boba half tea, right?

Nice, interesting concept with a good feeling of progression. A few suggestions:

the dungeon screen doesn't update with how many enemies you've defeated unless you turn on or off autofight. Along with introducing exploits that are very easy to pull off accidentally, this generates a lot of confusion early into the game and makes it harder to gauge progress. It should instead update whenever an enemy is killed.

waiting is a core component of idle games, but you could double or triple the speed of encounters without losing anything important. You're still dealing with thousands of encounters. I'd recommend decreasing the delay between gaining currentSpeed for both you and the enemy.

I'm coming at this from the perspective of a big fan of games like The Prestige Tree. On that note, I really appreciate the "calculation" section of the stat descriptions. I gave this 4 stars, but I couldn't copypaste this critique from notepad to the rating section, so I put it here.