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A member registered May 19, 2020 · View creator page →

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Yeah! that would be a good idea, I also had the thought to space out the enemy spawns but I couldn't figure it out in time for the jam, thank you for the advice!

This game NEEDS more ratings: it's polished, satisfying to play, easy to pick up, looks great and I especially love how the camera zooms out to fit the mouse. Honestly one of the best games I've played so far, good job! :D only issue being that sometimes the enemies spawn inside the player but this is an easy and quick fix as the core gameplay remains very polished

Thank you! As I was thinking up game concepts I vaguely remembered luftrausers and so I looked  it up to see how they did their movement and tried to code it similarly. Glad you had fun with the game tho :)

This deserves more ratings! it's really polished for a game jam game, it's not overly ambitious and it does what it wants to well. Good job :D

Cool little game, nice concept for the theme

Thank you :D

Nice little game, last level was definitely challenging but it was a fun mix of slow and fast paced puzzles. Good job. My only issue with it is that I would've liked to have seen the camera scale out so i can fit the gun and the player at the same. Other than that this was a really good job :D

Great idea for the concept and damn the sound design realistic as fuck

Really calming and satisfying to play, but what if it wasn't?

Spreedrun timer?