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A member registered Aug 26, 2022 · View creator page →

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Really cool game. I believe the problems already mentioned by others are details that can be easily dealt with with more time and polish. Looks like a cool concept to get expanded on.

(1 edit)

Thanks for the reply. I see it as a battle against the mold itself, against time and against the lack of disposition/energy. It's a quite frustrating aspect of (my) routine (and it also applies to other things) and also a bit comic.

Thanks again. Cheers.

I appreciate your comment and feedback.

Wouldn't be a problem to implement, I just have the feeling it could end up not mattering much with the current game balance . It could shift the strategy to first focus the wall in front of the sink and maybe something else, which is interesting, but would need some planning.

Thanks for the comment. If you don't mind: what makes you feel like it's a bit dark?

I had some other day life game mechanics ideas to mix with that could reinforce a feeling of "sadness" depending on the angle you view them, which is sort of what I was going for, but I didn't have the time to think better and implement.