SAME AURGH how did this happened?? i feel so bad for him even tho he doesnt exits - its just a game butit feels so real
Recent community posts
- What's your favorite character?
R: depois de muito pensar, acho que posso dizer que MC, gosto do Mathias e tb de Mand, mas acho que a forma como podemos direcionar a historia, MC seria minha resposta.
- Did you try the different options, or did you follow only one path?
R: fiz uma só rota, mas pelo meio do caminho quando tinha outra decisão, eu salvava pra jogar aquela opção e dps voltava a minha original
- What do you think of the black and white aesthetic?
R: gosto muito, mas tem vezes em que o fundo é claro demais e doi a vista
- Is there anything about the world of Five Kingdoms you'd like to know more about while playing?
R: como não houve uma revolta, mas ainda estou no ch03, of whispers and awakenings, entao nao sei se vai ter futuramente
yes! Tell her how much you like her, what you like in her, i think it would make her happy and maybe relieve a little (?) with what shes struggling, and if you can, tell her you will always be there for her, and i hope you can too stop struggling
(btw english isnt my first language so i hope my typo isnt strange, and sorry for any mistakes)