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A member registered Jan 25, 2023

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IMO, A Parody universe inspired by Starcraft is still a Starcraft Parody.  Do what allows you to create with less restrictions to reach more audience and create the story we need told ;)

any more insightful observations @bannedby? Look at Defending Lydia Collier, 5 months between previous update (nov 1) and current update (march 25).  Harem Hotel is doing fine.  Whether here on Itch or the "join for free" tier on patreon, 2+ months between updates for a free game is fine :D .  If you knew anything about the current  game development/ content creation space, runey has/is performing great.  Don't worry, it's as ok to have a wrong opinion as it is to be a salty commenter ;)

ahh, the troll is getting salty because his complaints were proven invalid.  Its ok, here, have a hug and a kiss.

 @bannedby  you missed a bit.  Join the free tier on patreon,  there is posts by runney on 16th Jan, 8 weeks ago.  The project is not abandoned.  The posts are not on here because..... patreon is the source of truth for the game.  Go there if you want more info faster.  Stay here if you want a 30+ hour game for free better than the world's first AAAA game by far.  

non American, English speaker here, while I am overall familiar with the American underground railroad/ anti slavery network/ Harriet Tubman (Thanks Beau), I took the post authors words at face value as this is not an exclusively American story. 

I didn't consider that the 150 novel a year, post author was using that meaning because.......  The post author has shown in my opinion they lack nuanced understanding of concepts and story building.   Eg. The MC has challenged the slave norms regularly.  They are involved in release and harbouring fugitives, they are supporting them in their revolutionary activities.  With the way the story is going, a Harriet Tubman style underground railroad i think is a part of the story progression.

This type of nuance and story building I believe Runey is capable of, and has proven themselves so far.

Long Live Runey, may they have endless patience and emotional capacity to put up with consumers of a free novel that don't know they can just stop reading if they are not happy.

I feel compelled to make a correction, they are a complete dick that reads 1 novel every 2 days.  They must know what they are talking about.  Personally I am waiting to hear their introduction of a simple underground railroad to the story, and how it is more believable than a dozen people living in an old hotel.

So all games/ vn's that have pregnancy  are at risk? Crazy.   Already a supporter, I am more than happy to support again on Steam.  Keep up the great work and story telling.

(1 edit)

@Funky_Wookie  being a person that reads 150+ novels a year, you should be able to understand "character arcs" and how through a sequence of events characters evolve changing the readers perception of them.  Also, being such a reading connoisseur, you are surely aware content is created for different people to consume, Nothing is made for everyone.  From your complaints I can see you are eager to create your own VN and dazzle us with your significant story writing skills.  I await your first VN.

I thought next weekend was going to be busy with gardening, looks like it won't all be gardening time ;)

Who would have thought that high quality animations and stills take alot of time to design and create on a solo small team? Keep up the excellent work.  I can't wait to restart my playthrough.

(1 edit)

While looking around itch after finding an rpa extractor, I found Harem Hotel early 2023.  Very sad to hear that it has been around for so long and I didnt know about it.  Fun fact, 3 days after joining itch I "purchased" HH, EVERYONE should, well worth it, makes you feel good to be supporting this great journey.


Thank you.

I am obviously stupid, I thought i had everything done before reaching the war map, Can anyone explain Gwen and Ami Kid detective, is it a in game joke or a recurring quest, I havent triggered it.

Great update, you regularly show progress, dont worry about a small break.  Keep in good shape.

Cumdump, you cum inside.  

Cum Slut, you cum outside.

Lustful, I believe when relationship gets to max the women start ask you to please them.  Say yes but don't let them cum, dont cum when given option.  You will get prompt, eg lin has grown more lustful.  Keep doing it for good times.

Compared to other content run with renpy, I think the combat is a fantastic piece of work by a solo developer.  Great Job, From here your self taught skills look great.  Can't wait to see how it all works out.

Its in the patch notes above, you are doing everything correct, currently that is the only one available.  Others will become available faster now that the combat system has been completed.

All good, they are aware of it, Its detailed above in Known Issues.

Its amazing the great content available for "free" that tiny teams studios create that bigger operations,  studios have a problem to replicate with large teams and a big budget. 

my first version to use, only problem so far is i have spent too much time playing it :D , definitely a worthwhile game to spend money on.  

Will have a look at the patreon.  Haven't gotten to the war map yet, almost sad to hear of beta being mentioned ;) keep up the great work.

Would live to see the dlc worked into the main game.  Good content, thank you.

I like the mini games, I like the ladies, I like the story, I love the game.  Keep it up.  I know there is lots more the come, can't wait.

Great DLC, can't wait to see it expanded.

Oops,  No more requests from me ;) keep up the great work, Dont forget to fit in a break to the schedule.

FYI, I love the subtext of the plot lines eg Sandra and Ally.  It is such a small use of words but it is such an example of the attention to detail in the story and how it mirrors challenges people have in the real world.  EXCELLENT WRITING.

Just finished the (current) story for all characters, GREAT, while it took me 38 hours to get here, I cant wait to see where you take it.  There is so much room for story expansion.  

I know its greedy,  but,

more sex positions for existing WOMEN, 

More scenes for the side WOMEN,

MOre rooms for more WOMEN.

MORe Kate, Kali, Autumn, Julia,

MORE time for you and team to take a break so you dont get burnt out

MOAR of whatever you decide

Nothing.  Her story picks up later on.

I am not finished yet, assume I am 2/3 finish.  No hesitation to say its GREAT.  No hesitation to say I will replay it at next update.

Best PayPal donation I have made ever

LOVE the story as much as I LOVE the women.  Great, Keep it comming.

I must confess, initially I thought it was taking too long to get the actions scenes, but the slow burning story was worth it.

Important point.  This story has some strong themes, The writing IS GREAT.  This is not your standard Visual Novel/ dating sim, The story in combination with the scenes sets the bar at HIGH.

Well done.  Can't wait for the city to be fleshed out and some of the potential storys to be discovered like the first encounter in the coffee shop.

I assume Ashley's story arch used personal experience, It was handled very well.

I also like Kate health questionaire, very well fit in with her character ;) 

PLEASE, give me more KARI, KATE, JULIET.  MOAR.  You are Gods amount Visual Novel/ dating sim developers.