Found a bug, when you blow up a mine it changes the number of the non mine spaces you click on. So I clicked a space next to a used mine and it showed a 2, despite there needing to be 3 mines around it.
Recent community posts
Love the update, just a few suggestions (not sure what you have planned already of this).
I think the time to make bigger games feels too long, and the ability to research is too short. The nintendo is out and I already have everything researched, just feels a bit early, but I also start a medium sized game and it takes 10 minutes in real time with fastforward on to complete, maybe a faster fastforward could solve this?
Hiring good employees is tedious with no downside for just hiring and firing until you find someone with good stats. It's also not very hard to not need to care about money after one game that you just dump all your money into advertising for.
I think having the notifications pop up instead of needing to click to see when a console comes out would also be effective.
I think it'd be cool if research additions also gave unique bonuses for using them, maybe you can research certain engine tools that will make certain additions take less time to implement.
Overall, I like the changes and look forward to what you have in store.
I can understand the tagline will attract people to the game, most of my issue did come down to that.
I think the issue at hand is that if life worked like a video game, then everyone probably would be happy and everything would just work.
The reason the soviet union was able to function at all was that they imprisoned all the unhappy people, which is the other side of that coin. Capitalism has been effective up until this point because of how it's removed democracy from the economy, the people at the top have the power and we've seen the violent effects of that, but real life people also have things to lose, even if they want to rise up and chop heads off, there's a lot of resistance in the status quo.
Maybe you need some sort of buffer to simulate how poverty works in western capitalist systems, people have enough resources to not die from a lack of food and water, but maybe poverty just decreases their quality of life compared to others, and societal collapse only comes from real food shortages and other aspects.
Also this conceptually doesn't make sense from the start. If the only labor is making bread and everyone is making bread, why should you have money to begin with?
This is essentially a game where you raise and lower prices in a state capitalist economy where no one is greedy and you don't need to worry about resources.