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A member registered Oct 13, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks for sharing your experience, I appreciate it :)

Thanks! I agree with your sentiment. It was too many things to handle at the same time so I had to cut a lot of my ideas, otherwise I'd be working on this forever. But for my next projects, I will definitely start with the gameplay and come up with a good game loop before doing any art :)

I only know vaguely about Aleister Crowley's work, I have the small red book (forgot the name). From the little I studied about it, it seems to send the reader in some potentially very weird directions. I prefer to stick with the white side of things, as playing too much with darkness can easily get you burned :) Hermetic philosophy supposedly has its origins in Ancient Egypt (which was known as Kemet back then - which is where the word alchemy is derived from). Plato and many others were initiated into these teachings. The teachings survived over the millennium through fragments and countless translations, so what we get now might be distorted. The Kybalion has the best introduction to the subject, and once you learn it, you can recognize its principles in every phenomenon in life, and learn how to change situations to your benefit and evolution (through transmutation). Hope that helps :D

That's great to know, that's about the hardware I was targeting as a base.

I had a plan to make the interior of the hermetic school accessible with tons of texts and stuff. Maybe a little initiation. But I had to cut the scope and move on. If you are curious about the text look up Emerald Tablet of Thoth and the Kybalion. It's fascinating stuff :)



I'm gonna work on the VR version as soon as I have some energy and time :) Originally it was a VR only experience and I already have things halfway set up for it.

Nice to hear! What are your specs? I optimized it heavily, but for VR a medium/high-end PC will be required because of how Unity HDRP renders things.

Horror (and porn) dominate Itch.IO indeed. I think it's because most people are looking for thrills and strong emotions :) But cool to know that there's interest for other types of experience! Cheers!

Thanks! The voices are really cool indeed, made by Emma Krammer-Rodger!

Haha, the song was made by a high school friend of mine :) Just blame globalization, in the Spanish Town universe that song is traveling the world :)

Strange, I never had any crashes nor anyone reported any before. Are you running updated drivers? What's your graphics card? I can enable Vsync option. Cheers!

haha awesome to hear you were able to have those feelings :D last year I visited the South of Portugal (Algarve) and I kinda wish I had visited it earlier, because it gave me a lot more ideas for this. Cheers!

I just uploaded a fixed file! thanks!

Sorry for the trouble, I must have uploaded the file before the compression finished 🤦‍♂️ I just re-uploaded it, thanks for letting me know!

What a pity, we worked really hard :( We made a big JRPG and ran into some problems with Unity at the last minute.

Well, best luck to anyone who made it!

Ran into some bugs that took a long time today, project is 99% done! Would be awesome if we could get a few hours more, but I understand if not. Thanks!


In the rules it says it's ok to simulate the LCD ghosting. Is it also ok to simulate the screen glow? I added motion blur and a little bloom, it helps make the game look a little less jarring, while still maintaining the color palette. Is this ok?

Fala Tiago! Ainda está interessado? :)

Estamos fazendo um JRPG nesse estilo:

O tema é, um garoto Inuit no ártico precisa sair de seu igloo e buscar um remédio para salvar a sua avó que está doente.

Seria legal ter algumas musicas para:

- Exploração. Exemplo e Exemplo

- Batalha. Exemplo

- Jingle de vitória.  Exemplo

- Jingle de game over. Exemplo

- Final do jogo. Exemplo

O atual estagio do desenvolvimento do jogo. Hoje vou começar a programar o sistema de batalhas:

Se estiver interessando, me adiciona no Discord e vamos conversar! minos9611


Fala chará, beleza? Voce tem exemplos de trabalhos mais ou menos no estilo da Jam? Abraços

Really cool game, love the vibe and the consistent art style!