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Bob Hiroshi

A member registered Oct 12, 2020

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tks <3

Engaging Destiny community · Created a new topic link steam

i want to ask this 
i had buy this game in itch so i have a key , but don't know how to use it with my steam account 
can help me with it ???

can't start the game 

if u use google translator , u need to know it just trans with basic words
then you have to rearrange the words
easy is u can find someone can trans

hope i can play Eng ver soon

but take your time

Setting Sun community · Created a new topic Owo

did  this game have English version yet ??

Torent with abs is good <3
can i love him ???

great update ,i love this 

take care your health

is this new game ??

this is just 7.00 part 4 so it's don't have anders day 7

here is my facebook : 
add me if u want to do together

are u sure ?? 

Because i just draw story in the game 

And i will start draw when i finish my fan art first owo

And i ‘m not good to draw

tks for your reply i will start it soon 

because i draw to slow and not good so i will try my best 

and i love this game so muchhhh :3

i just asking , " Can i draw a manga for this story 's game ??? "
i really this game and story in game so i want to do it , but first  i just asking you.

i 'm not good drawing but i want to do it if you don't mean.

Sorry for asking this.  :3c

i love this game <3

i remember u can have sex with him but not to much i think u can wait to update soon

my stats when i play so good luck and don't lazy

if your lower level u can’t so go to up level and wear more clothes for your char and take more potions

make sure u clear 3 quest in ex of B quest before start event fair

it's easy to pass so try hard and good luck :3

in the top and the right check in the days and u will see

yep it's new road on the map not underground

i don't know how to make second heart with him hehee

nice try
well , that is a new road so good luck to find it :3

i remember i have 1 heart and 55 like with Ste before i open new road so good luck hehe

this 0.30 ver make me to hard to fight and tease so i really love it 

keep going and i will find more way to play this game hehehe

u need to make a visit baseshade with Ste and clear quest "new road" and it will open

hehe really happy to wait more update :3


(1 edit)

i just start play ver 0.30 today ... it's really great , hope more update for item 's picture

i just play 0.28 ver :v and play game in pc

if u want to connect it u need go around in the north cave , and find a secret point , i remember in a room have skeleton , u move somewhere in there to find it because i don't that point will move or not so good luck

new road to go ste'farm u need to clear the quest in forest path 

all i can find now :3

if u need it to connect u need explore more times in there

i remember that but don't know it right or not

well i know that i did played that game to but i want to see him come back in this game hehe ... tks again

okay , tks u :3

hope i can see Naxus come back to this game because he is my favourite ... :3

yep this is a question because i can’t do anything in there and around of this i was clear all hehe owo

Did orc tribe activated yet ??? :3c