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A member registered Oct 05, 2020

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im so excited!!


Sorry for any grammar mistakes, i was kinda bad in grammar at school lol

I had never bought anything from any game before, but this one makes the difference. Is just so amazing. I surely need to thank my aunt for giving me some dollars in Christmas, because if not i wouldn't have any chance to thank y'all for the amazing work that everyone had made; and having the pleasure to play the DLC'S. 

I wanted to become a Pattreon supporter, but unfortunately i dont have money. Is kinda more difficult (not that much, but still) because i'm mexican, so one dollar in pesos is somehow expensive. So 5 dollars cost me like around 20 dollars.

Anyways. I must tell, like everyone else here i love Cove a lot. He's just.... A lot like me. I understand his problems so i try to make my MC a support for him. Just the opposite of me. I'm a introvert, cold, and negative person so i make my MC a extrovert, warming, positive and caring person. 

Like in step 3 with the introduction with Baxter, if i were in that situation i surely will be so quiet and making some strange smiles to him, lol. 

I envy my MC a lot, lmao. I would love having 2 lovely and caring mothers like her. Also i would love having Liz as my sister, i love her a lot. Also Lee, she's just so special to me, because i dont have a good relationship with my cousins. 

Lol, this thing became so big. Well, one more time i mst say thank you. I felt so loved, and cant wait for the release for Derek and Baxter DLC'S, and Step 4 epilogue. 

This is the best game i ever played, really. Thank you, once again.  

Thank you for your hard work. I just have finished playing Rod's route, and i'm so happy. He is my favourite, so i just cried a lot when some events occured. Still i need to do the other's route, but i just wanted to comment this, and once again; thank you for your hard work.

(1 edit)

Uhm... see this as a thank you for the hard work they made on Cinderella Phenomenon. I mean, i understand you, but there's no need to say that they've ruined your 'hopes'. They worked so hard since they have announced this will be out. Anyways, if you were following their Tumblr, they said (with anticipation, like a year ago) that you will need to pay to play this. All of us here have waited long time.