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Over the Moon

A member registered Feb 25, 2021 · View creator page →

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if you have the app for your computer, you should be able to download it there. 

The author primarily updates her private patreon demo  frequently, and really only updates the public demo once she has about a chapter done. 

it isn't out yet! llamagirl is still writing boc, and will update the demo until chapter seven i believe? and then she'll upload the full first version of boc to patreon before releasing the full game on itch. 

and guin sits in the cuck chair. obviously 

I mean technically they are cousins, but they weren't raised together, nor do they really consider themselves as such unless you actively choose to later in game. 

Not dead! Chapter 5 is just a huge chapter, so only half of it is available to play publicly while the patreon demo has some more content! However, the author has had a litany of bad luck re: their hand injury, so the updates so far have been small so the author doesn't overtax their hands. 

Nope, TBOC is still kicking on! she's finishing up chapter 5, but the authors hand has been Not Doing Great, so this chapters progress will be rather slow as she recovers. 

As a #galahad historian whose stalked his tag on the blog relentlessly, you can romance galahad without befriending him! As long as you show some romantic interest in him (whether oblivious or knowingly) and try to change his mind on you being Evil McEvilsteen from the Land of All Evil, a romance can happen!

But what's the build up? What's the punchline? Like, it just seems like a random comment scolding the author for using mature language. If you want random people online to know your joking, frame your joke correctly? 

Well, according to (very old, so don't shoot me if I'm wrong) tumblr asks, you can flirt with ro's as long as you don't get locked into a 'route' beforehand- so, let's say I have a childhood crush on Nimue, but then flirt with Galahad, BUT I also sometimes flirt with Nimue as well. In game, it would probably translate to the two characters experiencing confusion regarding who I'm interested in, and potentially start a few arguments. (At least, from what I understood from, I'll say this again, very old tumblr asks.) 

It;s reclaimed, the person above just has no idea what they're talking about. 

It's been reclaimed, and is used in a VARIETY of studies surrounding the lgbtq+ community. Also, people call themselves queer all the time- what, if you saw someone who identified as queer irl, would you say that they're using a slur? As long as it's not used as an insult, it is NOT  a slur in that context, and post like this actively serve to destroy and dilute queer history. Does the word 'gay' not also serve the purpose as a slur, in your reasoning? 

Oh mein gotten that is insane,,,,truly 


Oh lol, I got you. Though if my dad was Lot, I probably wouldn't argue with his decrepit ass. Probably wouldn't have changed anything ngl. 

it's only a problem if he minds...which he very obviously doesn't in game so. take what you will.

Oh that blades weaving...

Updates usually come out every time the patreon finishes a chapter, or reaches the midway point. The author broke her wrist a while ago however, so it is probably going to be a while until an update for either the patreon or public demo comes out! 

According to the tumblr (don't quote me it's been a while) book 1 is expected to be somewhere between 14-16 chapters, and there are going to be 4 installments in total for the series. 

(1 edit)

Galahad got one during a collab with the game dev of infinite stars! She posted the announcement on both tumblr and patreon. the galahad portraits are at the very end of the post. 

As for other characters, there aren't any portraits out yet, but if you scroll back far enough on the tumblr- say to 2022- you'll be able to find the picrews she did of the cast! 

Edit: Also if you head over to the pinterest boards as mjmjh said, you get a really good feel as to the overall aesthetics of each character in game! link to the discord! 

The public demo was just updated with the first half of chapter 5, while the private demo has had the first half for a while, and is beginning the second half.

What in GODS name happened to this comment section. Why are there so many trolls here? Don't let this get you down, author- this game genuinely is so amazing. It's so beautiful and sad and raw, and one of my favorite games on itch. Genuinely a must play. 

This is so absolutely beautiful. Just...the way you viscerally describe the pain of losing a parent, but the desperate attempts to piece together the facts and facets of them. The use of the devil and the magic really just hones everything in beautifully, and I am not ashamed to say I may have sobbed at the games end. Oohhh and the disconnect between the 'old' culture- the devil being surprised at you knowing bits of the language- and the 'new' culture- sharing the cigarettes, the bits where it states that the narrator is 'drowning in' English- never fails to hit me in the chest, especially as a first gen immigrant part of the Bangladeshi diaspora who is just pure Shit at their mother tongue, lol. 

All in all, this is such a melancholy game and brings out all the Feels, but also manages to (at some points at least) enter into a territory of idk...comfort? Like, the last scene in my playthrough where the narrator heads into the kitchen after dismissing the devil and decides to eat something just really hits me in the chest- like yes, the grief is there. The grief will always be there. But you have to get going- you have to eat, and sleep, and dance and drink. There is no use for running after the devil, demanding answers about his and your fathers lost love. There is no time for "what ifs" or "has beens", no time to drown in them. You have to get up off of that balcony, put out your cigarette, and find something to eat. 

The whole theme of trying to 'salvage' the past, trying to dredge up old wounds to further piece together the mystery of who your Baba was will never not endear me. This game was genuinely so amazing, and I will definitely have to do a replay soon! 

This demo is (pardon my french) absolutely fucking gorgeous. And not just the aesthetics- though the ui is probably some of the prettiest I've seen on twine. The beauty pervades even the text itself; the writing is lyrical and flowing, yet clear and crisp. If I had to use one word to describe the writing style of Uroboros, it would be ethereal. It is dreamlike, as though you're walking through someone else's hazy recollections. Yet, the text always manages to remain sharp and focused, never losing sight of the plot. The writing is always so easy to visualize, at a mere whim bringing in images of decadent halls and the shimmering night sky to the forefront of the readers mind. 

And the choices. The sheer depth of choices we have, this early on, makes me squeal with glee and clap my hands with joy. There's such a wide range to choose from, allowing the mc to spring to life fully realized. MC isn't shoveled into an archetype, but instead is allowed to roam the world, feeling out each and every interaction they have. And you're never penalized by the game for choosing the "wrong" option whatsoever. If you want to be mean, be mean. If you want to be kind yet bitter (my MC, thanks for asking) you have the freedom to do so! Any combination under the sun is possible, and the game won't lock you out for having the 'wrong' mc. 

And the relationships we can have with the characters also makes me giggle and clap my hands like a toddler in a candy shop. There's no relationship points or values or anything like that; instead, you can craft your relationship with each character as you see fit, letting the game keep track of your attitudes and mannerisms. As another commenter said, there's no need to second guess whether declining a piece of bread will lead to a decreased relationship- this game says, 'fuck that!', and lets you decline the damned bread without losing anything whatsoever to the relationship. You can create actual, meaningful relationships in this game without agonizing over being stuck in Route Lock Hell. 

I know that so far I've written what may amount to a whole ass essay, but this wouldn't be complete if I didn't have a whole mini rant about my wonderful little MC, Roselle the Imperishable, The Universal Eye, All Who Lasts Forever. (Whoo writing that was a dozy.) Kindhearted and outgoing, yet tactful and courteous; ever curious and open, yet keeps their secrets close to their chest. Charming, thoughtful, caring- they're a well of contradictions. When they were born, they were bathed in love from the Universe. Yet, after being cast aside by the gods, after being ridiculed and thought of as lesser, they now doubt the Universe's love towards them. It must all be a ruse, because how could this count as love? 

They're pretty curious about everything- about how the wind flows, about the way the water laps against the beach, and most of all, about humans. They've studied human anatomy extensively, and was more than a little excited to dance with the humans at the festival! Yet, despite having a job that allows them to speak to humans on the daily, they, well...they hate it. They never let that show though; instead they go about their duties with their head held high, dutiful to their task. They would much rather travel and see the world, but for now they will stay in the afterlife, guiding souls to their destination. What good were they worth outside of this? 

Roselle, while they are kind and loving, also has a well of bitterness inside of them that they try not to acknowledge, yet always manages to rise up unbidden. They love their fathers, yet in the same breath loathe the two for bringing them into the world, worthless and then tossed aside. They loathe Salvatore, due to pure jealousy. Salvatore, the miracle, the golden child, the beloved. They always attempt to act civil around her, and know that their loathing isn't justified, yet they loathe anyways. 

One of the only deities that is uniformly on their good side, however, is Lucille, above all grateful to xem for giving them a chance when no one else would. Ciocana is amusing, funny and playful, yet also a (potential) friend in the making- outcasts are drawn to other outcasts, after all. And they are definitely looking at Alessi (and may help out with the rebellion. Idk, whichever route proves to be the most chaotic...cackling like a witch rn). 

Now as this long winded rant falls to an end, I merely want to re-iterate my thoughts on this game: it's really fucking good. Like, really. Play it, replay it, and bask in the wealth of choices and the beautiful writing. Meanwhile, I will be banging my hands over and over again, waiting for chapter 2. Thank you so much author for making this incredible game! 

I checked the authors tumblr, but the last update was from 5 months ago. Apparently, per their last update, life was being hectic, so I'm pretty sure the game is on hiatus! 

I think its mostly because Mordred is still in shock towards the news, so they spend that moment trying to figure out 1) just how much Accolon knows, or condones and 2) is still trying to figure out how they feel about the event. In chapter 5 however, you're able to decide how you feel about him (though the options you get depend on what you choose your relationship with Morgana to be.) Though I do agree- I would like to have more options to express frustration or our feelings to Accolon after the reveal, though that's probably something best mentioned on the tumblr!  

The scream I scrumpt when I saw this. Actually so excited to start a playthrough- I loved the original game, but I ended up just getting so fed up with how everything was headed and how the quality seemed to dip during the second season! Extremely excited for this

Lance went to go Propagandize him with Merlin's visions, dw dw he'll appear. Our communal husband was NOT lost at the supermarket. 

I'm barking shaking rattling my cage, I need to now what happens neowwww!! (no pressure ofc) It's my mandatory llamagirl appreciation comment for giving us tboc. 

Gally simps unite!

(1 edit)

Pookie is showing up halfway through chapter 5 with the rest of the Camelot crew . Dw dw, we're seeing pookie again soon. 

There are two more chapters till the demo ends!

Maybe learn how basic grammar works before whining about people not being able to read your obtuse, bigoted opinion in a public forum. Stop being a whiny little brat and go watch Naruto or something. 

Hey there! Love the game, but I was wondering- does the free demo end after chapter one? The description says it goes up to chapter three, but so far I've only been able to complete chapter one before it goes back to the home screen. 


Totallyyy all right dude. I enjoy randomly pestering people in the comments section so I probably should have been prepared for it to bite me in the @ss. Have a good one!

Me @the last half of chapter 3: I will make so many bad choices <3 

What can I say except this update was incredible (as per usual). We got so much STUFF this update, with edits that help to give us a better understanding of the lore and the last part of chapter 3, which gave us more time to interact with the characters. I LOVED the convo's we had with the cast in this one- unfortunately, due to how I'm playing my main Mordred, I've yet to fully go down all the routes, especially the ones with Arthur, but I Am Getting There! 

All in all, great update, and I NEEDDD Chapter 4 right now. Oh why must I be poor?!


It's this week!

(1 edit)

Oh wait, I cannot take credit for this. I wish I came up with this, but alas, I can't code. This is all the work of Llamagirl! I am just a humble fan who randomly info-dumps in the comments. 

A bit nitpicky, buttt in older versions of the myth, Mordred was originally Arthur's cousin, later progressing to becoming the son of Arthur and his half-sister Morgause (whose commonly axed out of modern interpretations of the myths).  Morgause became combined with the character of Morgan Le Fay, who was (also) Arthur and Morgause's half sister, to the modern day character of Morgana Le Fay. Mordred then became the son-newphew of Arthur and Morgana in popular culture. Again, this is like, a really random comment about something only tangentially related to what you just said, I just wanted to info dump bc the legends are genuinely very interesting. :>