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A member registered Oct 22, 2022 · View creator page →

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Dans la vie, je ne pense pas qu'il y ait de bonnes ou de mauvaises situations. Cependant, je dois avouer que la lecture de ce long commentaire m'a permis de me rendre compte de la beauté qu'il existe en l'être humain, et pour cela, je suis, reconnaissante. Reconnaissante, parce que ce commentaire, au fond, est un peu le reflet de ce qu'il y a de plus beau en son auteur, il prouve qu'il est possible d'écrire et de toucher par les mots, de transmettre des idées et des valeurs importantes qu'il est important de relayer.

Merci beaucoup pour ton commentaire touchant qui a arraché une larme à l'équipe de développement :D

Le chat en story était très mignon aussi- Nan en vrai merci beaucoup :P

Grazieee <33

嬉しいコメントありがとうございます ! !

Thanks for your comment !!

I really liked the first levels and I look forward to see what you will make of this game after the game jam ! Lots of love and support !!

Thank you very much !!

Hey, once the game jam is over we will make a patch for the few bugs that were reported by the testers, if you could describe more clearly what happened, it would make the troubleshooting more easier. You can write to me on Discord : Sheep@8979 ! Thank you very much for your comment !

The visuals of this game are really original, they really convey the watercolor feeling ! The main character reminded me of Hollow Knight for some reason. Overall the game is really cute, you did a wonderful job !! <3

Thank you so much !

I love the graphic style of this game ! It was a nice experience, good job !!

This game really has the best video and marketing honestly. The web page looks amazing and I had a really fun time playing to the game. I love the art style and the main character, good job !!

I love the concept behind this game, the graphic elements combine so much from Belgium and Japan, this was amazing. The gameplay is original too ! I loved the character concept every since the first presentation at the Game Jam and I must say that I am not disappointed ! Good job !!

I love the fact that you can actually slash enemies with a saber xD A really good concept, I liked it !

The characters are so cuteee !! The gameplay concept is very fun, I had a great time playing this game !

The concept is very original, I like it ! The part with the Shibas made me laugh ahah, good job !!

Amazing concept, I loved this game !! The main character is cute and the background music and sound effects are amazing, a really good game !

I absolutely LOVE all the artworks of this game ! It was nice and cute ! Good job !

A classic puzzle game but very well executed ! I loved the way you can combine elements to clear the stages, and the japanese inspiration in the visuals is very strong ! Loved it !

Merci !!

This game has to be one of the best I have played in this game jam so far, everything is sooo good ! The art style is cute, the characters are adorable and the story is heartwarming. I love the way the elements make a little sound when you approach them, it makes it easier to find them. You all did a really good job on this game, congratulations !! 

A very cute game, I love the concept <3 Good job !!

I really like the concept and the art style ! Good job to you all !

A very cool game, the difficulty is challenging and I love that :D

I loved the game art style ! Good job !

A really good and cute game with wonderful game design. The art is also wonderful, and the sound design is very satisfying. Good job to you all !! 

Toute l'équipe de Prends Garde, Kiko ! te remercie pour ce commentaire :D Vive Kiko !!

(1 edit)

Merci beaucoup !! C'est trop gentil :D

Merci beaucoup !!

Thank you very much for your kind comment !!

Thank you very much for your kind comment ! <3