So i super confused rn lol. Like it says to enter the true name, i put in the name fore my MC, "that is not your true name" pops up. I get onfused and go back to see if a name is mentioned, i may be blind, but i find nothing I go back, i type in life, erin, and leave the space blank, they all work and proceed to the next page, but the name erika for my MC is not a true nam. I am just confused lol
Miss Cellaneous
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i dont mean to sound as if im complaining, i LOVE all your Undertale stories!! But is there a way to make this like, full screen for a phone? This new visual update is great!! But at least for me i have to put the text soze to 200% to be able to read and then i am only able to read 3 lines at a time, gods i must sound ungrateful! I dont intend to sound whiny or anything, just asking. Sorry if this comes off as rude, i respect you so much!
You say things more eloquent and kinder than I would have. Your message is a very important one as it hold a great value of truth to it. It is so disheartening when i see such amazing authors disappearing because of such cruelty from people who don't understand their IF, it's a fictional historical political drama, of course there will be elements that people find distasteful or just too much. But that is why we simply don't read the ones we don't enjoy, instead of tearing at an author who has clearly put in a lot of time, effort, and love to their IF, and is clearly on hiatus (as i hope the return, i am going with hiatus) do to the past crude remarks of their IF.
Agreed on that, i was just thinking about this IF and was searching forever to find it (i forgot the name but remembered the entire premise lol) and was so happy when i did! But i was so upset woth all the rude and unnecessary comments under here. Just plain oht rude and uncalled for. I hope the author is doing well, they deserve joy in thier lives.
Yay! Thank you for informing me. I expected this loop to appear unfortunately, Something to do when naming the next scene. Fret not as I am currently reworking it! I unfortunately deleted my initial draft though, but that is alright as hopefully when I update, I will have fixed it, so the loop won't happen and have character customization finished! Thank you again for taking the time to read my IF draft and for commenting!!!
oki i litterall had no clue what dusale was about till this. this was so beautifully sad and amazing. genuinly i just cant even and i was crying and laughing and asdfghjkk;'. I would like to point out tho there is a need for some code clean up when metting Toriel, the hazey drunken text is just its codde and text. But other than that I would like to offer you astding ovation!!!!.