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Here I come with more Brazilian urban legend/folklore girls!
This one, my people, is based on Iara, a very common legend in the Amazonic regions. She's also such a well known folklore creature all over the country so I had to include her
Iara, according to the legend, is a woman with a fish bottom (AKA mermaid). She lures in her prey, mostly men who went near the waters, with her supernatural beauty. She is described as having long black hair (although when it comes to the "family-friendly" versions of the folklore characters, like in cartoons, she's usually a blonde) and a nice body, and to the melody of a sweet song, she takes the victims to deep inside the water, where is her kingdom. She also sings beautifully, and is able to leave the water and turn fully into a woman when desired.
There she is. Like I said, she's super well known in the country, and in case you guys want to do a deeper research there's a lot of material out there I guess. Would y'all want to visit Iara's kingdom?
Loira do Banheiro/Maria Sangrenta (Bathroom Blonde/Bloody Mary):
Bag Man (Homem do Saco):
Diabinho da Garrafa (Little Bottle Devil):
I think thats all
Back with another Brazilian folklore/urban legend gal. SHE IS NOT A SUCCUBUS, ik she looks like one but I tried my best
This one was inspired by a legend called "O Diabinho da Garrafa" (Little Bottle Devil), also known as Famaliá, Cramulhão, Capeta da Garrafa, etc.
This being comes from deals that people make with the Devil. It mostly consists of an exchange, the person asks for wealth and gives their soul to the devil.
After the deal is made, the person must find an egg, and when it hatches, a little devil will come out, with 5 to 7 inches. Of course it's not your usual egg, but one, uh, fertilized by the Devil. In some versions, the egg is not laid by a chicken but rather by a rooster.
To get that egg, it is needed to search for it during Lent period, and in the next friday after it is found, you must go to a crossroad, at midnight, with the egg underneath your left arm. After that, you go home and go to sleep. 40 days later, the egg hatches, and the Little Bottle Devil will come out of it; you put it in a bottle so it doesn't escape. The Little Bottle Devil makes its owner achieve their goal, and when the person dies, they are taken to hell by their Devil.
Spooky. Would you guys make a deal?
Hey! Here I am back with my Brazilian folklore/urban legend girls!
This one is based in the Mapinguari, a legend that comes from indigenous tribes in the Amazon region.
It is said that inside the forest lives a creature called Mapinguari, a giant covered in brown fur, with an eye on its forehead and a mouth on its bellybutton. For some, it does have fur but wears a tortoise-shell armor, but there's also the version where it's skin is like alligator leather.
According to the legend, some residents of the forest, when reaching advanced age, turn into Mapinguari, and would start living in remote areas of the forest by themselves.
This creature can shout in a similar way as hunters do. If someone answers, Mapinguari goes towards the victim, who ends up being killed. It is also capable of swelling the steel on shotgun barrels when it blows on it. While it walks through the forest, it screams, breaks twigs and throws down trees, leaving behind a path of destruction. Some versions say that the Mapinguari only roams around in the daylight and sleeps at night, but others say that it only does so in holidays.
Another block of text, sorry y'all, but there it is
Oof there's a lot to talk about this one
This lovely gal right here was based on the world-wide popular legend of the Bloody Mary, known here in Brazil as either "Loira do Banheiro" (Bathroom Blonde) or "Maria Sangrenta" (Bloody Mary). There's a crap ton of variation to this story starting already with summoning methods, some of which are: standing in the front of a mirror in a female school bathroom and repeating her name thrice, slamming the bathroom's door shut, kicking the toilet, then flushing it and saying a swear word, etc.
The latter is quite popular in the school Conselheiro Rodrigues Alves, in Guaratinguetá - São Paulo. According to popular lore, the legend of the Bathroom Blonde is based on Maria Augusta de Oliveira, born in the 19th century. Her father forced her to marry a rich man when she was 14 years old. Since she was unhappy with the situation, she sold her jewelry and ran away to Paris when 18. She lived there until 1891, when she died in mysterious ways - her death certificate disappeared. Her family asked for the body to return to Brazil until the coffin was done. But even after that happened, her mother didn't want to bury her. It took a series of nightmares for her to give in and bury her daughter.
A few years later, the mansion in which the family lived in was turned into the school I mentioned, and they say that she's still haunting it,showing up frequently in the female bathrooms. A fire in 1916 made the legend even stronger within the community, and the school had to be rebuilt.
Sorry for this giant block of text but there's a lot of lore with this one and I wanna share
I made this girl based on a very popular urban legend in my country, which is the Bag Man (Homem do Saco). It's one of these stories that parents use to scare their kids into behaving y'know? The Bag Man, here in Brazil, is a tall and intimidating adult man, who appears to be homeless and takes away misbehaving kids in his bag usually to eat them. There's also popular variants in another regions, such as Portugal, some Latin countries as well as in Haiti and in a few places in Asia.
I did want to go with more of a grotesque/monster look, so there she is. Imma post more urban legends, myths and monsters from my country too so yeah ok

her name is Ai (love in japanese), I created her inspired in the fictional Hanahaki disease. basically, when you like someone and they don't like you back, their favorite flower will start growing on ur lungs and you'll start to cough them out, eventually dying. her crush's favorite flowers were roses (those don't look like roses cough cough sorry yall). anyway she's 16, and she really likes to paint and read <3