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Missing Guns Studio

A member registered May 22, 2020 · View creator page →

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It was fun working on this project, due to the strict game jam deadline we were pushed to come up with something small and creative.

That said, we are working on the next project since quite a while back, since it's technically going to be our first game if we exclude Mawn as a game jam project, we're trying to - again - come up with something simple and fun. It may take some time as we're juggling game dev with day jobs but it'll come up for sure.

Thank you for reaching back to us as well, it's super wholesome and important to us to interact with everyone who has tried our project. Cheers!

LoL, thank you for your kind words!

Thank you for playing. :)

Thanks for playing :)
We really liked your playthrough and commentary.

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Thank you so much for playing Mawn, we were moved by your playthrough, more than anything it makes us happy that you got the message. Big big hugs to you from all of us. Take care :)

Thank you for playing :)

Thank you so much for playing, we really enjoyed your playthrough :D

Thank you so much. Your words really mean a lot to us. :)

Thank you so much for playing our game, we really enjoyed your 3 Scary Games video. :D

Thank you so much for playing, we had a great time watching your playthrough. :)

Thank you so much for playing, we really appreciate it. :)

Thank you so much for playing, we're really happy you enjoyed it. :)

Muchas gracias por jugar nuestro juego. ¡Estamos muy contentos de que te haya gustado! :)

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Thank you so much for playing our game and brownie points for taking time to read the Warning patiently :)
Big hugs from our team. <3

Thank you for checking out our game :D We enjoyed watching your playthrough and thank you so much for the feedback, we'll surely factor it in for our future games.

Hey everyone, we're active on Twitter now :)
You can follow and reach out to us here :
Thanks for all the love and support and stay tuned for more updates. ;)

Thank you so much for playing the game. We really loved your playthrough, it was really entertaining!

Thank you for playing the game, it seems you have picked up an older build. We recommend trying the latest build for most clean and more bug free experience. Thanks again. :D

(1 edit)

Thank you for trying out the game! We really enjoyed your playthrough and commentary. :)

Thank you so much ^.^

We're all rookies who have worked here and there and now trying to make something together. We're really happy you liked it.

Thank you so much for the heads up, we really appreciate it. :)

Hey, thank you for playing, we enjoyed your playthrough!

Thank you so much for elaborate feedback, we'll make sure to put it to good use.

We had planned to make the game slightly lengthy but because it's our first game, we kept it concise enough so that we can complete it and gain enough confidence to make another game.

We didn't have scope for multiple endings as given the ending - Nikki realises that she has been dead all this time and she was roaming around in her own house as a spirit, which is why she couldn't open doors or such, only comment about things. It was very much a planned linear experience from the get go.

But your suggestions about alternate possibilities are great and we'll make sure to implement these ideas in our future projects. Thank you :)

Thank you so much ^.^

Thank you so much for playing our game! We absolutely enjoyed your commentary and thoughts on the game.

Double thanks for all the kind encouragement, that's really generous of you and everybody else who left boosting words, we'll make sure to put that to good use in future. :D

We noticed the lags you encountered in your gameplay, duly noted.

As our first project our attempt was to make a complete product first, going ahead we'd love to expand in terms of gameplay length, it may take us time because we're a very small team but we'll always aim to make something people can play and enjoy!

Thank you so much for playing! :)

Thank you so so much, your words mean a lot to us and inspire us to do even better. :)

Hey, thanks for trying out our game, we enjoyed your gameplay reactions.

Yes indeed it was meant to be for 2-minute horror jam but since it was our first game, we decided to put it in the 'My First Game' Jam catagory.

If you are confused about what happened, Nikki commited a suicide but her unrested soul, not realising that she has died wanders the house. It is why she can't pick up the glass to drink water or doesn't get a reply back from her mom when she says 'It's me'.

The shadow that you see upstairs is yet another wandering spirit which was a hint that Nikki is dead because normal alive human beings don't see ghosts/spirits, only other spirits can.

She comes back listening to her mother crying and upon seeing her corpse remembers she has killed herself. 

We understand that due to short nature of the game it might not have been enough for some people to slip into it.

We'll make sure to make good use for your feedback. Thank you. :)

We are very humbled to hear that. Yes, we will focus on longer games without deadline now :D

Hi, thank you for playing our game. It is a really sensitive topic, glad to know that you liked our style of narration. We are delighted to see how much you liked it even though you ran into some issues of the game. Don't worry, we actually fixed them in the latest build. :D

We really really enjoyed your game-play commentary and sense of humor XD

Very sorry to hear that you have personal experience with a person  who went through this and we wholeheartedly agree with your advice regarding the approach towards people because we don't know what anybody might be going through and some kindness really can save lives. We are also really glad you took the initiative to spread awareness using our game. Cheers to you! :)

Hey, thank you for playing our game. 

Yes, pause button is necessary. We actually missed out on a lot of settings as well, it's a lesson we learnt from our first game and will definitely keep in mind from now on.

We apologize for the object interaction issues you went through, we had actually fixed them but it seems they still persist. We will take a look into it.

We kept the ghosts in the game because they are a part of the narrative (Nikki who's dead from the start of the game sees evil spirits approach her because she's a soul now) but yes they do definitely require more work.

We will work on our shortcomings in the next game and deliver a much better experience. Thank you so much for enjoying and critiquing our game! We really enjoyed your game-play as well!! :D

Hey, thank you for enjoying the game! We really loved your game-play and reactions!! :D

Hi, thank you for playing our game!

Seems like you played an older build of the game that has many issues including the readability of the report card, dad's eyes (eyelids were shining which made it seem like they were open), we recommend that you always download the latest version to have the best experience of the game.

The act of suicide is easily discarded as an act of cowardice but there's a lot more to it than meets the eye. Depression is not typical sadness or hopelessness, it's a mental disease that requires treatment just like an actual disease needs. The treatment is therapy or medicines or both. This is why you might have heard even very successful people who have every reason to be happy also committing suicide, not because they should but because the illness takes control over rational thinking of the brain.

 It is very different from typical teenage cribbing that you find on the internet, the sort of people on the internet who say they have depression just to seek attention. We touched on an actual case of depression which was developed through her circumstances - Bullying in school, pressure from parents, no friends to listen to her, bad grades and unable to pursue what she wants. A person who was completely alone and without help. Depression also cripples the ability to reach out and communicate a lot of times.

We made sure to keep the signs of her struggles subtle because in real life, that's how these people go unnoticed even with people around them. Do reach out to anyone who seems to be suffering around you. :)

We are happy to know you appreciated certain aspects of the game. Once again, thank you for playing! ^.^

Hey, thanks for downloading our game!

You're probably the first one to play this KNOWING that it is a little twisted XD
But we are really delighted to know that you enjoyed the game and a lot of its aspects! :D

Hey, thanks for playing our game! We enjoyed your gameplay and your commentary and reactions.

We agree with you, no one should take that route and that's why we made this game so that people take note of the subtle signs of suffering of an individual.

Hope you enjoyed it! ^.^

Hi, thanks for playing the game!

It seems you had voice volume issues and some other audio and visual bugs that we had fixed in our latest bug, make sure you always download the latest version because it has the least bugs. That said we're glad it didn't ruin your experience as much. We are very happy to see you still appreciate a lot of things about it! :D

Don't worry, none of us were suicidal but I think all of us go through this sort of times in our life when a lot of things feel hopeless. I think you are going through a similar conflict with your parents. Don't back down and always pursue what you like. So glad to come across another game developer! ^.^

Once again, thank you so much!

Yes, the Netflix series did a bad job and got a lot of hate, very sorry to hear the number of suicides go high because of's a very delicate topic which should not be touched if one has bad storytelling skills.

So sorry to hear that you have dealt with this sort of thing but due to your current study and work, we're sure that not only you but the people around you will feel better and benefit from your profession. Depression is complicated because it comes in a variety of manner due to variety of reasons and is visible in a variety of ways but we hope you will overcome those hurdles for yourself and the people who depend on you. Always remember that no one is alone, especially in this age of internet. ^.^

Once again, thank you for enjoying our game! :)

Thank you for playing our game! We enjoyed your gameplay and reactions :D
We are very glad to know you liked our game, too!

Thank you for the encouragement, we will definitely make more games!

We will! Thank you for encouraging us!!

Sorry for the late reply, thank you so much for playing our game. Hope you enjoyed it! ^.^