The login method is not working
I think there's a glitch or bug on the web version, there are no visuals
When reading the hints for PYLON, I think the words CLOCKWISE and ANTICLOCKWISE were mixed up
Can there be an option to turn off the screen turning?
Now we need the Beat the Buzzer edition
who knows it in advance!
The game says that I should be able to figure this out on my own, but I can't
*cries in grayroace*
I got 20
cries in PEMDAS (the math question)
MIght be a bug, but I made the pen so large that it blocks the screen
Apparently a goose is not a real animal
I think I found a softlock/bug
If you (after unlocking the multiple jumps ability) make it back to the starting area and fall down, you can't interact anymore.
Why does everyone have clean teeth?
I think I found a bug, in the Mondrian painting, I was somehow able to walk through walls and it also prevented me from interacting with anything.
Maybe I'm mixing up two of the endings, but I got the one where he ran away and the one where he bit (keeping it vague just in case)
I can only find two of the endings :(