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Mister Voorhees

A member registered Dec 29, 2022 · View creator page →

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Although I do like this game very much and suggest gamejolt for publishing too. How does this fit the theme. "You are not supposed to be here?

It may be there and I have not figured it out yet. But just wondering

Please call me Jason ;)

Also just extended the time!

Everyone that has joined the jame will get the recognition they deserve!

Especially Dead Pets!

This is awesome!

The video makes me laugh!

Each game will be checked and looked through. I have been very BUSY! Sorry so much in advance. I love you all!

Okay! Just make sure the game is horrorliscious

I will

that’s great! Do you want you want bro I believe in you guys!

Thank you that honestly means a lot!

Please tell me if there are any bugs!

Glad you liked it!

if you think it’s a bug, it’s a feature. But seriously I didn’t know how tot make a wall and the triggers are outside of the screen sooooo. Yeah

Enjoy the design, just not so much the gameplay. Like its really hard and impossible to play with the spawner. Good try tho

Why does my computer say Virus Detected?

I ain't downloading it man. Sorry

Atleast you know Flappy Bird is a rage game. And you captured it perfectly!

Loved it!

Um...How does it fit the theme?

Great Game, Since I knew what was coming I was super scared. Great game! And Great VISUALS. Like this with a few enemys and stuff and you got a AMAZING Fnaf game!

Great job man!

Sorry You Can Only Download it...

Its still great tho!

AMAZING GAME! You did way better than me, lol!

See my game sounds short yet it can benifit in a great way if it were to have the theme. See my idea is the game takes place in only one room but there’s always something to do. And each day something different happens. Sooooo yeah! 

The Game Jam hosts can decide. Because I feel like I can’t go off Cryptids like others.

If you are or a Loved one got this game and are having trouble exiting the game. Just use the one and only ALT + F4. Also I hope you enjoy the game! Put a lot of work making sure it had NO BUGS! 

Also, if you enjoy the game, tell me! I would love to hear feedback!

If you are having trouble with exiting the game, just use ALT + F4.

Sorry I didn't add a quit button because I thought it would clash with the arcade tone.


Its all good as long as it keeps the theme and horror vibe!

Since More People Have joined the jam, I have decided to extend it to give you guys more time if you want, spend time updating or polishing your game any way you want. And make another if you want. Just remember to follow the theme! Also moved the end date to a more appropriate time. So yeah!

Yup You can still join

I don't mind!

(1 edit)

I feel you have a lot going for this game. The zombies, the setting, and the lore. But my only critique is how the setting is made...Like it captures the dreamscape but what about the zombies? They just walk one way and another. But other than that Great Job

Great Game! It seemed pretty easy, but I see it more as Sweet and Short.  Also really cool to see multiple people worked together, great job!

Thank you, that means a lot to me!

Oh...I am so sorry.

I made this game and didn't even realize the theme

Its been done

Yes, This was supposed to be a catridge like game, or a pc game like doom.


Just wanting to know if you agree if I should do this again, or leave it be. It's up to you.