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Brunos studio

A member registered Mar 03, 2023

Recent community posts

On what Instagram? 

Honestly, of course, not to offend the authors of the game, but I was disappointed with this update, a bit too few scenes, but it may explain that they had a shitty month. I hope that the new update will be good

Hello, dear friend. They've had a shitty month lately, that's what they wrote on their website, but they also showed new drawings of scenes that will be ready, I think, maybe before June. all we have left is to wait. anyway, these posts on the patron are visible to everyone. Greetings to you, my friend, and I wish you patience.

Thanks for the information 

When new Update 

 back with my question: will you create an Android for your game? I would like to play it but on Android. What do you think?

Dear master, will there be an Android version? Because I see that the game promises to be good, but I don't have a computer at the moment and I would like to play this game myself, but on my phone? Could you do something about my business?

If you want another update, brother, you have to wait for a long time, if there is a new update this year, it will be a success for the author of this game. I wish you a happy new year and best regards.

I'm already on your server 

Will there be an Android version?

Will there be an Android version?

Each of us can't wait for the new day Update . Don't let us down, dear friend!