I liked it a lot and was really intrigued by the mystery! Also, loved getting to know Kristian; what a cutie. Hope more people like it enough to warrant a continuation. Regardless, thank you for the escapism ♡
Recent community posts
Hi there! Just wanted to say that I was pleasantly surprised by your work! In the beginning I wasn't too gripped, but it progressively got better and the characters started to grow on me. The only issue I can point out is that the grammar needs some polishing. I can't wait for more Cam and Ardent content!
Keep up the lovely work and stay safe ❤
Loved the demo, Ertal! I really liked Jan as a main character, and I've got my eye on Daimo, Senan and Ronan - I love older - and bearded! - love interests 😍! Also, I appreciated how vastly different the RO's personalities are. One question: I didn't get to interact with Senan; did I miss an option somewhere, or are you only supposed to see him indirectly, in the demo? I'm really looking forward to the release! Until, then, my best wishes for the development ❤️!
I'm so sorry about all this, Ertal. Everything gets blown out of proportion these days...
Why can't we just enjoy the game for what it is? A game, something that's supposed to carry us through tough times and distract our minds from the outside world; for me, at least, that's how it has always been.
And if we have flaws or our own opinions to point out, we can do it in a civilized manner, with no need to demean someone we don't even actually know.
Changes are, if these people were arguing with you face to face, they wouldn't say half of the nasty stuff they did.
Wishing you the best, Ertal, and don't give up on your beliefs just because people can be massively mean and ignorant when typing on their keyboards.
Hi there! I just wanted to say that I really liked playing this game, which surprised me! I usually don't like 3D art and models in visual novels, but I ended up really liking the artwork here; it all looks great! The writing is also very good; simple but deep and engaging, and I love the fact that all the personalities are so different. My favorites were Matt, Marco and Owen; I also thought NC17 was gorgeous, but his personality and fashion choices threw me off xD
I have 2 questions: despite the writing being engaging enough, I felt the void of there not being any music or sound effects; will those be added later? Also, I'm missing the 2 first Marco CGs; how do you get them? I just can't seem to do it...
The best of wishes for this project and I'm looking forward for the next update!
Although it has a good premise and I found the game quite original as far as interactive fiction goes, it is just not for me; there's just way too much sexual content in this one. I know the main mission focus touches upon the subject of sex, but I still felt there was too much of it - even before the main mission - and little substance to it. Regardless, kudos to you, crushstation, for such an original take on the IF genre! Best wishes :)