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A member registered Oct 04, 2023

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Brilliant! I tend to do the same when it comes to fictional inspiration. Bits from here, there and everywhere, because I can never seem to stick to one. It does spice things up! 

I love the way there are so many plots that uncover mysteries about the island, making it seem full of adventure! It’s so detailed and interesting and (I could go on forever) but my favourite little thing was that after a short while, everything feels really cosy and homely. 

Also, I’m curious: are there little bits of Greek mythology and practices in there? Especially the Four Temperaments sounding like they were drawn from the Four Humours (blood, yellow bile, black bile and phlegm) so that was an interesting surprise. 

All in all, I love this game and I’ll play again… with a different romance this time! Ivo was terrifically cute, but I’m deciding to explore Dagmara or Jonah’s subplots next. 

Does what you choose to pretend to be at the beginning of the game affect anything later on?

I love this game so much! I’ve read through at least dozens of times by now, and fell in love with the cast each time - I don’t think I can pick any favourites, so it’s making it hard to choose who I want higher likability and romance points with sjdgeskdfhf my brain melts down each time. 

I will ensure that Rylan has special window privileges to my apartment, without a doubt, he always manages to crack me up. And I will hope to exchange favours to see Kian, haha. Blane Rekner is another story… I’m trying so hard, and I won’t stop, haha. Nikolas and Arion are both so sweet, too. 

Keep up the amazing work, and do take care of yourself!!!

Thank you, this helped me a lot! The only question I have remaining is, how do I set up qualitative and quantitative stats for the player to see in a sidebar? I know how to store the variable through the game and add or subtract from it (e.g. kind/mean being on a scale from 0-100) but I’m not sure how to show that?

same, I have that problem too. 

I’ve played dozens of times already, and decided on the perfect character for the demon: a deceptive-looking girl with pastel clothes, flowers and walks barefoot, (an ironic nod to ancient Greek/Roman heroes) as well as having a snarky attitude. She’s also humorously unaware about most human life since becoming exiled, which leads to a number of funny situations in my head. 
I imagine her to be the worryingly chaotic, sarcastic and protective older sister, who will protect Tommy… with everything going up in flames one way or another.