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A member registered Feb 04, 2019 · View creator page →

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Just wanted to chime in and say this game has THE BEST take on "Humans" in the "multiple types of sentient people" fantasy milieu. I love how the Human abilities provide a laser-focus on the good (and bad!) of our species' focus on community and culture instead of just being like "we're adaptable, unlike the other kith which are stereotypes" and calling it a day. 

Checked this morning and wasn't released, checked after the day's routine and sold out. Ah, beans.

This is awesome! Thank you for your hard work.

Who up patiently awaiting they worm

Still going strong 😤

Not me checking this page once a day even though I know books can easily spend over a month at the printers...


Liminal Horror community · Created a new topic Tasers?

I know tasers deal damage to Dexterity instead of Strength after HP, but how much damage do they do? And do they provoke "critical damage"?

(1 edit)

If a bandolier gives you a free slot for lead but takes up a slot, doesn't it negate its own effect? I may be misunderstanding since the example gunslinger in the book appears to be using 9 of her inventory slots, which only adds up if her bandolier and lead BOTH take up a slot, but then a bandolier makes even less sense to me. What's the intent?

Edit: Looks like the intent is that Bandoliers are "small" items and that if you have a Bandolier equipped, bandolier+lead takes zero slots. The example gunslinger is just in error

This game is very good! Me and my friends built a city of friendly robots, 10/10

That...makes a LOT more sense. I thought that sense they were under separate headers they were separate things. So it's "spending" corruption in the sense of spending one of your free slots.

It just seems like it would make more sense to have to MARK corruption, like when you're under demonic attack, instead of spending it, to get the bonuses.

So...I am correct in understanding that however severe the consequences of filling it, you can dodge those consequences by aggressively spending your corruption for +10s and Healings?

Is there any downside to spending corruption? Especially since demons deal corruption instead of normal wounds, it seems odd that it's a consequence-free resource as long as you keep spending it before it fills up.