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Matthew Mason

A member registered Dec 11, 2016 · View creator page →

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I keep coming back to this game, it's so good

Good question! That's a real philosopher level thought!  I talked it over with the other Golden Philosopher Kings and we'll, frankly we're against it.  We feel that bridges muddy the decision making process, they're majestic, they have nice views and some have really cool names.  These are all things that distract you from achieving greatness.

Admittedly in the later levels it is a little more challenging to make the moral and philosophical decision.  I hope you return at a later date to complete your training and achieve the rank of Golden Philosopher King. I believe you can get there in fifteen short lessons our 50 lesson extended plan!

Really enjoyed this game, it took a moment to figure out but after a moment I felt like a employee at a burger joint.  I might have missed it but I wasn't sure what a deluxe was, thankfully I guessed right so maybe it's more obvious that I thought.

I got 300c not a bad game, could have used more sound, I found hiding in the corner clawing and shooting fireballs to work the best

(1 edit)

The used quality is special, you need to use some special ingenuity to add that *kisses fingers* used flavor. 

The research machine is supposed to be fixed, we wanted players to have to move and push objects around to complete research.

If we were making it again we'd probably consider adding more/moving it around.

Thanks for playing!

Hey we just used your dudes in our Ludum Dare Jam entry, we had originally considered implementing it into the game itself but Unity decided to remove Javascript support... Instead we just generated about 20 of them and pick them randomly.