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A member registered Apr 05, 2022 · View creator page →

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This game is super fun! Very cute and wholesome ~

I enjoyed playing it, the characters were really nice (I stan one of them!!!), funny and meaningful dialogues, amazing voice acting, good choice of BG music & an artwork that is TOP NOTCH AS ALWAYS * chef kiss *

But seriously, I'm honored to be one of the people to play this for u guys even tho I'm a big scardey-cat I DID IT. It's the best Halloween theme VN (ever) for me to play with, even tho it gave me the spooks (tho i feel like that's on me for playing it during the late night 😅 )


I highly recommend this game, enjoyed every minute of playing it. 100/10 for the art, story & dialogues 💯💖

^ The image itself says it all 😂

Humor aside, I really enjoyed playing this VN. The dialogues & scenes for each characters are very fun! From scripts, drawing assets, coding it & voice acting you guys nailed it 👏👏👏