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A member registered May 19, 2020

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As of now, not much.

Is this game dead?

Version 3 came out almost a year ago

That's what the game epilogue summarizing my life on the island told me.

Another player above got the same eesults

Which one do I choose for the best possible outcome;  the Duke, the Lady or the Coppers?

Currently trying the Duke while I'm half asleep and it seems a jumbled mess. Too many things going on and I'm starting to confuse myself with all the subplots and back stabbing.

You will need to get one of the 3 sides to ally with you. Otherwise you will still have the game over at week 60

Agree with you. Would also be nice to choose version2 of the android for everyday scenes

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Beautiful renders, the characters look really good.  Im at episode 5 and there seem to be a storyline developing and I do hope so. This game is too beautiful looking to be wasted on simply being just a "harem" game.

Although I understand it's is MC's personality but I'm starting to find MC to be a little too gabby and on the dumb side. Getting annoying. Maybe tone it down a little but that's just my opinion.

Looking forward to updates and thank-you for not having oversized breast!!!

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Yea, Bella is the easiest and most natural progression. The others require doing things that would be contrary to the "right" thing.

Just had a finish where I got mom and 3 sisters preggers. Had everyone living on the island and in the epilogue it says I also got Riley and Adriana preggers. Rebecca, Nia and her gf/wife preggers. Alina, Ana and Kira preggers, Sasha, Miley and Sabine preggers. Bella's friend Megan preggers. I'm surprised it didn't say I pegged James too lol

Thats what I did 👍

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Love it.

Have to admit i was initially skeptical especially with the slavery of an entire race for a "harem" game. But as I played and the different story angles developed, (Using the real historical justification for colonization and enslavement) the game grew on me. Really happy to see it developing into more than just a harem game. 

Love how the characters are developing. Especially Lin, I gave a fetish for petite dark hair pale skin girls 😁

Looking forward to future updates.

Ps. Wish there is a way to give you a lump sum $$ for your efforts instead of monthly ( previous bad experience with monthly payments).

Just tried the game out.

Not being familiar with the development of the game I have to admit to being confused. Not sure if I'm missing anything with the spear fishing and viewpoint and the seemingly random appearance of the aunt, tutor and"blueberry". I am assuming they will make more appearances in later updates. Either that or I'm doing something wrong 😁 Also have a "missing cotton file" in the character screen. Wondering if that how it's supposed to be.

Oh, love how the characters do NOT have gigantic breast. Looking forward to how the story progresses

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Nice game.

I really like the designs of the underwear the girls, "roommate" and Linda, wears. Makes me re-live my highschool days and highschool sweet hearts

Looking forward to future updates.

Ps. Any idea on the update schedules. Asking as I have limited space on my phone so cannot keep "dormant" games on my phone for long

I have the same issue. I just click "ignore". You lose the carnival game but you get to continue the game/story

Nice game. 

The most natural flow of the game seems to be with the middle sister.  That was the finish i got the first time I played.

The other sisters are not as easy.

Love the different personalities.

A very good looking game. Some of the renders are breath taking.

Looking forward to future updates. (Hopefully soon)