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Zenie Azure

A member registered Aug 20, 2023

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Building it  up can take a bit at time, especially with only small talk, but they did change it to where it takes twice the time to build up and even have a cap on how much you can build one up at one time (cap reached shown when it turns grey).

Given, if you have that part turned off when you started it so you don't have that limit, then that sounds like a problematic bug.

It's honestly impressive that  you're charging money for something that has so little going on that sound effects don't even exist in this. Doesn't help that everything looks like it came from an old Flash game, but even those looked better than this.

If you're going to pump out a bunch of small games like this at least put some effort into it, especially if you're  asking to pay money for a game you're going to play in a browser either way.

Trying to download it  tripped up my system as a virus. Not sure  if  there's something going on with that.

It's a fun lil game so far. I'll admit that I was a bit skeptical when I saw it was another RPG Maker game, and while it is quite simple I think the dialogue and how a couple of fights go help it a ton. Also the first time seeing stuff like 3D animation going on... in general for these, so seeing the boss in all of that made the scale that more impressive!

I'm glad there is a gallery after going through the chapter (as I'm stubborn about losing in these half the time and it was pretty easy considering), though I think being able to view the game over images/animations with the dialog from whatever KO'd you would being in there too, considering you would still need to depend on rng on that even if you do the refights. With having unique texts on each of them I'd love to see that writing after beating a chapter.

Otherwise a nice game that I look forward to keeping an eye on!