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A member registered Sep 30, 2022

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Don't click on the items in your inventory, just click on the spot you want to use them and they'll automatically go there. Don't give up, it's a fun game!

wonderful game, I really appreciate it

I'm having issues getting the game to start up. Itch says it's running but the game isn't active? Anyway excited to check out the game if I can figure out the issue. Thanks!

Don't give up! That little bit of hope is worth it, trust me. Things do get better, even if everything feels lost. You can do it, even if every day is a challenge, you can do it. I believe in you and I know there will be others who love you to support you in every step. 

Hey I just wanted to say that you are loved! I'm really sorry you had to go through that but I know that you are strong and an amazing person. This goes for everyone who might read this: you are loved! Your worth is infinite! 

Wow. After finishing the game I'm kind of just stunned at how beautiful and painful that was. The storyline and writing were so immersive and and art was just gorgeous. My emotions were all over the place. 

I loved it! I was kind of hoping for a twist but this surpassed my expectations! 

This was really an eye-opener! I hope it will help me be more understanding to the people in my life who have ADHD.

This was really interesting and did a great job capturing the feeling of growing out of friendships and relationships. Awesome work!

This is super cute! It was really relaxing and helped me destress a lot, especially with the music. 

This game was super cute! I loved the plot and the overall vibe, it was really relaxing and sweet! Would definitely recommend if you're looking for something cute, low stakes, and with a couple of fun puzzles. 

I could only get the bad ending. Does anyone have tips on getting alternate endings?