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A member registered Feb 28, 2022

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I'm on my knees groveling bro, please. Give Jimmy his own ending. Him and the MC should just get married and fall in love. Screw the rest of the girls, homies to lovers. Jimmy needs to be a love interest.

(1 edit)

What device are you playing on? If you're playing on PC you simply just download the new update and delete the old one, your old saves should transfer over automatically.

Indeed so! I just got the scene where she comes into the MCs bedroom at night with a knife. I did love it, though I wonder what her 'broken' quirk does? Anywho just for a heads up, is that the latest yandere scene up to date with her? Just so I don't go indefinitely searching for another one only to later realize thats all thats been released so far? :)

Hey! Just started the game late last night and have already come close to the ending of act 2 (or so I believe). I have no harsh words, this game has been absolutely amazing so far. Just a question. Reading through these reviews I'm noting Gwen can progress into the yandere trope. Personally thats my favorite stereotype and there are few games with that theme or character(s) so finding this out overjoyed me. The only yandere related things I have seen from her so far was semi-yandere beginning ark dialogue where when the MC attempts to leaves the manor in the morning she stops him, smells him and tells him not to let any of the girls get their "stinch" on him. I'm super excited to see what progresses from her, and was wondering how to push her deeper into her yandere side?

How far are you into the game and what do you have to do to get her yandere? I'm hardly in the beginning stages of it, she just stopped me when I attempted to leave the manor and had the speech about making sure none of the other girls in the town get their smell on me.

Oh yes of course, I used to get that way with  my writing. I love the idea of a reverse yandere where the player can pursue the yandere/love interest while also being yandere. Don't get me wrong I love a good old fashioned yandere playthrough but I'm IN LOVE with the idea of the roles being reversed. The script and idea is very well written. This story deserves all of the recognition in the world and more :) I send you all of the writers inspo you can get, I'm sure all of the coding and art work and writing can probably knock a lot out of you and  send you into writers block; so heres to hoping that doesn't happen! I'd absolutely love to finish this story and will probably frequently check this page for updates anytime I can <3

(2 edits)

So, I just got done playing the demo for both of the girls and.. OH MY GOD! That was amazing. Seriously. You should be proud. The only thing I'd recommend is maybe making the 'seduce' game shorter, I kept thinking it was going to end but it kept going on and sort of broke the immersion. Besides that though, I had such a great time playing this despite the semi-shortness of the demo. I cannot wait for the full thing to come out and will probably keep coming back to this page every so often in hopes for updates. (also Ben is endgame) Love this project so much!!! Hope you choose to finish it till the very end :)

Dude, I'm obsessed! So pumped for the full version to come out soon, I  can't wait to play it all! <3

I really love this story so far. Can't wait to see where you take it, I'm super stoked!

That was pretty good! Can't wait to see how the gameplay evolves.

Hey! I saw on a few previous posts of yours that you include the "yandere" trope in each of your games with at least one character. I'm a huge fan of the yandere stereotype and unfortunately I'm having a difficult time finding games like that. I was wondering if this game, as well as your other game Clarity in Qualia would happen to have one of those characters? I've already  played all of your other games and they're amazing :)

theres no real  explanation as to how i got to mha dating sims, but im glad i found this one! i love it so far, and was a bit upset when it ended so abruptly. i hope you consider continuing its development! :)