Hi Pyrdacor,
Through a comment on my channel, I was made aware of a bug in version 1.7.0
Right from the first chimney in the house of the bandits, there is no option to flip the lever.
best regards,
Hi Pyrdacor,
I discovered a small bug in 1.6.10.
When I try to heal a petrification from a character with the stone to flesh ability, the game crashes with the following text:
"Application the spell stonetoflesh is no Character-Targeted spell."
Also when I want to use the function of Valdyn's chain I get this error.
Otherwise it's been playing without any problems so far :)
Best regards,
Moegathis :)
Hi Pyrdacor,
I'll write to you here too :)
Your work on Ambermoon is great, keep it up :)
All the improvements you made in this game round it off really well.
I'm also extremely excited for your advanced version and can't wait to see it after Ambermoon "Classic".
I started a new recording session today with patch 1.6.5. After 2 crashes in Illien, I had to go back to version 1.5.1
Then I saw that you have already released other patches. I also tried version 1.6.8 offscreen and discovered the following bugs in both versions:
1. in the German version 1.13 there is no text under the abilities of some items, only the number that something is increased.
But this is not the case for all objects.
I had this bug with the following items:
- Necromancer's Dagger
- Lich crown
- Robe of the Magus
2. sometimes the music cracks slightly. I noticed this especially in Illien or in Newlake. Maybe because this music is generally louder.
3. The game always crashes at the same place for me.
In Illien at Pelani's Palace, when I go from the entrance hall to the right room, after a few repetitions, a crash occurs with the following text:
'Value cannot be Null. (Parameter 'Destination array')'
I assume this is due to the rapid music changes within the palace.
I hope it helps you.
Thanks again for your great work :)
best regards,