Loved the premise, only suggestions are:
1: they are all the same model of guy, a new model or two would be nice to see, maybe even have one with every new exorcism.
2: There is no real consequence for failing, it would be sick if yall could do the same animation you do with the signs of corruption showing up, but make it if you fail, and have them like them being corrupted and scaring you, or maybe them like getting disfigured or something like that after you failed to exorcise the demon.
3: The embers/incense minigame is very difficult, also does not work with left mouse button, only space. The game was difficult because even though I was holding space on the embers, it would still drain my meter and lead to a lost life. It was fine for the early 1, but the other 2 it was very difficult.
Overall though, great game and great concept, I liked the art style and the signs of corruption, will be releasing vid on this great game!