This is actually what killed Reddit in general.
It's like giving trolls some rocks to throw at people.
Man, where do i begin?
Okay so if you're familiar with W.I.T.C.H. as a franchise, definitely avoid this one because it literally misunderstoods about why Cedric works as a recurring character and he's the absolute worst one in this game, making him a terrible protagonist.
The English translation is pretty janky, the story is all over the place it starts so agonizingly slow with excessive filler that doesn't go anywhere because it completely get sidelined midway with no explanation on why that is.
For a take on the first season of the W.I.T.C.H. TV show, it has a somewhat potential with this admittedly cool artstyle but it completely falls flat on its face when it comes to execution.
Edit: fuck anyone who devotes this comment because clearly they never even saw the comics or the TV show.