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A member registered Mar 15, 2021 · View creator page →

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It's probably harder to die this close to the end instead of actually making it to the end lol

I really liked this beta of the game! Here's a screenshot of the best times that I have gotten so far in about 3 hours of gameplay. I tried getting the super nice medal on pump track for an hour and my best time is still about 2 seconds off somehow. I know that the super nice awards are supposed to be hard, but it might be a bit extreme. I haven't tried slippery slope or endless as much, but I imagine it would also be extremely hard to get the super nice medals for those too. Also a quick restart button would be nice, as sometimes I did find myself wanting to get right back into the gameplay quicker after dying or beating the level with a slow time. I'm looking forward for when this game eventually, fully releases!

arrow keys also work already though

y no actual download, I don't wanna have to play in browser

omg this game is finally about to release, I've been waiting for over 2 decades for this moment! (not rly lol, still really excited for this though)

I'm so good at this game (this took so long to do lol).

(2 edits)

Yeah lol, he fixed it 6 days after I posted this version (and like 3 weeks after I made it and put it in the Discord), still fixed it a bit late lol.

Here's an actual working download for the Sunic bundle, I've posted it in the Softlabs discord server like 2 weeks ago, but seeing how barely anyone is in it, I figured I might as well post it here lol, hopefully this google drive link doesn't get taken down or something, because it's not a scam or anything like that, I'm above that man. Also I added an option for full-screen on the main menu and in the options menu, because otherwise it's stuck in windowed mode forever, and you don't want that.

I speedran your level lol

Actually this game is heavily inspired by Super Mario 63, a flash game made in 2009. That game was basically 2D Mario with FLUDD as well lol, I'm guessing this game is trying to be a sequel to that game.

10/10 physics are photorealistic.

k I think I'm gonna scrap this lol, this post is 251 days old, and no one has posted here soooo... yeah, gonna lock this lol


Download link?

Post your speedruns/world records here! The best time will be manually put in the game, as long as you have video evidence of it.

I have the game myself (its not a virus)

you don't, its a very short game anyway though so I'm sure you can complete it in one sitting

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