Hi there! Please update the public version. So much has been done since 12 months ago when it was last updated. Not having a newer version makes people who donate feel regret in supporting you. Thank you for your amazing work so far!
A member registered Oct 31, 2021
Recent community posts
The release of 3.8 / 4,0 was a great surprise mate. Thank you for all of your hard work. It's great to finish a long week of work, enjoy a beer and enjoy some nostalgic Outrun fun on the weekend. I hope that you're doing well. Keep up the great work. You're doing what SEGA should have done years ago.
I finally have some time off work! So, I just updated my MiSTer and felt like something new to play. It felt right to finally pick up a copy of Zeta Wing 2 (while downloading the new Briley Witch updates). Merry Christmas Sarah... I speak for everyone when I say that we're all hoping for even more of your special contribution to retro gaming in 2024! Stay amazing
Briley Witch Chronicles 2 (C64) comments · Replied to SarahJaneAvory in Briley Witch Chronicles 2 (C64) comments