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A member registered Dec 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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Very cute :) Very cute :)

Now I've got to go thank that one tumblr user in the blooming panic tag for recommending this wonderful game-

AA this is adorable! I love the fact you can find a name/nickname to select for the voice lines, I wasn't expecting my heart to do a flip hearing Micah actually say my name. Also (slight spoilers), just because I have no one else to brag too about it, I got the one attempt message on my second go :) A silly thing to be proud of, but I'm happy nonetheless. This game is already one of my favourites, I can't wait to see what day 6 has in store!

after a good hearty cry, I did manage to make everything right again. And now I am crying again, but this time they are happy relief tears. Again, amazing game and a brief heartbreak aside I'm incredibly happy to have found it. :')

I got a bad ending by accident. I thought I was doing so well and it all just fell apart. I got good endings for the other three, but I cannot put myself through that again to find that good path, ;-; just can't it hurts too much. I hate how much of myself I see in him, I got way too attached to all of them and now I'm stuck here unable to stop crying. Hah. Guess that means the writing of this game was just that good, huh? Didn't know this game was going to send my heart through a paper shredder. Should've expected it would, but I was too confident in getting good endings. Fuck, I can't begin to imagine how any of you 100%ers manage to do all the bad endings. I would never recover, I can't even bring myself to look at any of their bad-ending walk-throughs. Enough of me rambling, I am going to cry myself to sleep cuddling my cat now. ;-;

Good game, guys. ;-;

Oh my god, this game is amazing!! The "discord" interface feels so real! I have to keep reminding myself it is fictional because the chat room feels so realistic, I forget these aren't actual people texting in real-time. I swear it feels no different than my other discord servers, it's almost uncanny how easily I find myself lost, chuckling away at chit-chat everyone is having. That aspect alone makes this game deserve 5 stars, outstanding work. 

AAAAAAA My h eart cannot handle this. I've only done two endings, but aaaa oh my god that was adorable. I have no words, this is too cute. I cannot Wait to go find all of the other endings <3 aaaaa

AA this is so lovely! Alan is adorable and so sweet, I hope we get to see more in the future. The art is stunning as well, the image of him leading us out of the forest at the beginning and when we are under the night sky with the stars reflected in his eyes genuinely took my breath away. <3