I went with Mercy Mode from the start cause I knew I couldn't grind properly before the first boss. When you overuse all of your skills, just let them beat you so you can respawn and recover your skills then. I used that method to grind as much as I could before I started the next night.
Recent community posts
Finally managed to beat this one. This honestly your best game yet. Though DoV2 is still my favorite, I have to admit you've outdone yourself this time. Even though I still haven't beaten the 4th mini-boss in the Forest area yet, (I literally have no idea how to beat them), I had a ton of fun with this one. Can't wait for your next project!
Sounds good enough to me, as long as you can add a gag about the Fem-Protag not having to get pregnant from all the Futa action. "I only do BUTT STUFF."
But what's more important is that you stay true to Your Vision. Don't let randos like me make TOO HUGE an impact on your work. The occasional suggestion is fine, but I hope your game is still 'Your Game' by the end and not a hodgepodge of designs and story elements made by 'Too Many Cooks'. It was a fun Adult Swim Special, but a nightmare in any other medium.
As of 1.1 I can now reach the Slime Boss and beat her, however I can't get back out from the bottom of the map to explore the rest of the rooms because there wasn't a chandelier for me to jump on to climb out of the pit I was in.
I wish I could at least get Vivi back to her Mistr... I mean the Witch! Yes, that's what I was going to say. The Witch. Wait, what was the Artifact that Cursed Vivi anyway? And where is it right now?
Agents of ARMOR is a decent Linear Visual Novel with very good H-scenes. You won't be disappointed, however the "choices" you are offered in game will only provide you with an additional H-scene and do not effect the story in any major way.
I also found that after the first choice you make, you are unable to save your progress during the other choices that appear so remember to save often.
On a side note: I realized Atomic Frankie is a reference to an old cartoon character by the name of "Atomic Bettie". If anyone knows if Commander Kayden is also a reference to another character then please enlighten me.