Thank you so much :)
Okan Ataç
Creator of
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Thanks for the comment! I want to address the combat part, no enemy is designed to be a bullet sponge or anything like that but every one of them has certain weakspots that would cause them to take more damage and we intended for players to at least land 1-2 hits to their weakspots in combat.
But, we are also aware that it is not very clearly explained or shown visually which was due to our lack of time since this was a school project that had a tight deadline.
I actually agree with you with the traps, but we added them into the game in very late stages of development so we wanted to keep them very simple to avoid problems and bugs that might occur.
Other problems you mentioned was caused by a lack of testing feedback from other people since we didn't really have a test team and when you are testing things as the developer you can miss a lot of small details like that :(
Your feedback was very valuable, really appreciated. Hope you have a great day! :)
This build is not meant for gameplay, sorry for you to have that kind of experience, this was just our school project from a year ago and we just put it here to showcase for our finals. The teacher only looked at code though so we got a passing grade haha, but stay tuned, we are making a proper version of this game in Unreal Engine 5 :p