Goodness you were quick to respond, thank you very much! If you're planning a big update, I think I'll wait for that, and in the meantime I'll look into using eventing and such to accomplish what I need. I'll definitely keep an eye out on this plugin, thank you
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I have a bit of a strange question. I want to make a game where riichi mahjong is the combat system, and have been looking into card battle plugins for a head start on basics (drawing, discarding, effects etc.). I looked at the documentation on the wiki and I think I more or less understand how it works, but I had some questions on how much I can tweak the plugin:
-Monsters don't seem to use the card system at all, is it possible to change that? Ideally, having both the player and enemy drawing from the same deck of cards?
-Are visible discards possible? In riichi, your discards are faceup and visible (and can be stolen in some situations), and are arranged in rows of six until a player wins or you exaust draws from the "deck".
-Is there a param in the plugin that influences opening hands? LIke say, if you equipped a necklace that guarantees a specific card will be in your hand