I played the Demo now.
Fighting System seems bit clunky (i played on hard) and it was weird, i feel like there should be a Blocking or Doging system.
if i use women to open gate or rescue them the game should zoom in i barley can see them caus the game is in most cases very far away.
at some points the camera is just to close where it shouldnt be and i fel of cliff.
i would like to turn of Futa X Male
different character or outfits would be nice to add in the future.
i did not see the RPG elements but may thats not part of the Demo.
Overall its a very solid base but i cannot imagine where this game is going in a year. does it mainly want to be action? for that the combat system need a big overhal.
anyways i will follow to see where the game is going.
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i played a few hours now and have seen most thing from the free version.
its quite nice but need some changes. for example the grit system is useless caus you will never loose to an enemy when you got your first spear xD so OP and you collect things faster to summon ur own slave then you will level up. (maybe not the dragon enemy) but for the rest. i did got big clipping with leather armor that i decided to better put them of. bronce armor was ok (the rest armor i didnt use)
quest log can be a bit more precicly (it didnt say how many)
im not sure if the building system is required. didnt use it that much. my suggestion would be let NPC do all the stuff for you and you just collect. or even let them collect like a escort quest that you send them out and protect them and then few monster will spawn for them.
and make events that at night they can spawn and you wake up and get less rest bonus i imagine it like a city defensce game so you will maybe get the defeat sex otherwise like i mention you never die.^^
overall its good but very early i think.