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A member registered Apr 03, 2021

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Great game! I really hope to see this game continue, great mechanics, though 1 big recomendation from me would be to be able to skip the unskippable night and day cycle when you wait, after 43 days in one go, it feels like it takes a lot of time. But still, this is exactly the kind of game I've been looking to follow. I'm really excited about the decisions actually having an impact you can see in the game. Also the story is quite decent and going forward quite nicely, I will provide support even if it's a one time thing through Itch because I'm kinda poor right now and I can't afford even 1$ on patreon 
Will keep tabs on you. Good work!

(1 edit)

I bought the honey devs bundle just for this game, best visual novel i've ever played, the story is good, funny, mixes okay with taking itself seriously and not at the same time, the scenes and transitions are really well done, dialogues are not dull, and it's definetly a game that surprises me for being cool and cheesy in a good way.

Hope to see more of your future work, Caribdis.

Btw, loved the returning characters, especially the one from jail and the mini games were well thought out, refreshing and fun.