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Monochrome Productions

A member registered Sep 11, 2023 · View creator page →

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This is the monochrome version, I'm currently working on a color version, it's very similar but with better graphics.

these are nice words, our work has been appreciated and this is the most important thing for us

new update

there will be an update in the evening, pressing HELP will give you an infinite number of lives

great job

thank you

Thank you

No, sadly save game function is not available on any version.

As usual, a wonderful longplay. Thank you, VIPER!

thank you

an update is available


I guess it's super hard to hit 100% favorable scores. Therefore we have left monochrome as an option, to get at least "average".

Multicolour splash screen is indeed taken from classic monochrome version "as-is", as well as multicolour skulls. It was definitely not made for C64.

This is strange, because if you get into the title screen, the Mega64 already managed to do multiload several times. The game uses MagicDesk CRT format, check in documentation of your hardware if this is properly handled.

I will make a small patch release around weekend, this problem in jumping is fixed.

Yep, this should not occur in final release as these illegal paths has been closed.

Okay thank you I will take a look at this jumping stuff. Yes, I got request to turn off auto jumping, but it seems you found some edge conditions where it is still working.

B&W still can be choosen as a mode from colour menu in title screen. But yes, it is slightly different (unified with colour mode). I will consider to enable original B&W version again, with appropriate comment.

What do you mean? Game consists of 5 levels and 145 rooms in total.

Cierpliwości :-) Już niedługo

Colour version will be released today in the evening.

Sadly the game wont fit single PRG

problem 3), 4) and 5) will be fixed in upcoming 2.1 release

That could be the item collection bug that I have fixed just recently. Let's check with version 2.1 which is right around the corner (should be out this week).

Hello. First, try Vice on MacOS ( It supports CRT format as well which is much more convenient (and faster) to play with (and no disk flips are necessary). I don't personally use Apple hardware nor had any experience with VirtualC64 but it may be a matter of basically anything, for instance, whether the fastloader runs on that emulator. Try to disable fastloader on the very first menu visible when running disk version and continue. Beware, loading times without fastloader will be painfully slow.

It will be fixed in 2.1; coming soon

poprawione bledy zglaszane przez graczy,  tak od dzis za free ale mozna dawac napiwki :P 

It's very nice to hear that

Go! Tony Go! new update...

sprawdz email, pozdrawiam

ok, napisze do Vladymira programisy, zreszta on sugeruje by dac wiecej przeszkadzajek bo sa ludzie co robia takie wyniki ze czapka spada z glowy hehehehe

Thank you to everyone who purchases the game and pays extra. You are truly amazing!

please log in to itch, go to your purchases, download for free game updates, in the .zip archive there is also the game Go! Tony Go!

Ducking off ladders, agree. Double door - funny bug, will be fixed too

The only reason why FX cannot be mixed with music is that one of musicians was reluctant to do this. Dual SID would obviously do the trick however how many users have this set up (I mean on a real Hardware). I can think about it, however, in an update.

Well, honestly... yes. Stay tuned!

Hello, thank you for your review and bug reports. Quick answers:
1) Warp to level 4 is anticipated (similar warp is available from level 2)

2) It was indeed a problem with that level in demo, in full versions two missing doors were added thus number of keys is balanced. There is one room with extra jewels guarded with two doors. Opening these doors is not necessary to finish the level, maybe you missed that one?

3) Yes, mask can swallow the key thus preventing finishing the level. This is a smart inventory management that has been implemented in the game, as it is not possible to throw away items. I can reconsider this mask thing, however and include this in bug fix release.

4) Double jumps has been already pointed out and will be fixed in bug fix release. Other platforms didn't have this problem and simply nobody pointed that earlier. I myself learned not to keep fire pressed but agree, this is frustrating, esp. for somebody that switches from Atari to C64 version.

5) Oversimplified collision detection is a problem, I'm trying to mitigate this by fixing the map design (not to let Tony to jump into the wall).

Why generative AI?

Pls post a screenshot or tell which level / room is it. We will correct this and provide an update.