There is a solo play system within that can be used for any Mork Borg, including the Paths solo system we created, solo combat, and Companions and Nemesis systems. Other elements like the tables and prompts will be flavored for Castaway specifically. With some creativity it could be a powerful solo tool for Mork Borg in general.
Monomyth Games
A member registered Oct 06, 2022 · View creator page →
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You're a bug, don't overthink it. Live the fast and loose life of an insignificant insect.
Lonely adventure for cloisters, introverts & agoraphobes
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Stranded: GM-less Guide to Castaway comments · Posted in Stranded: GM-less Guide to Castaway comments
We did! Thank you for the suggestion. We are live on Kickstarter and you can back us now, add-on physical Things That Go Bump. (If you already bought digital Things That Go Bump and want a zine you can message us on and we will try to get you a better price!)