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A member registered Sep 03, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thanks for the feedback! :)

Thanks, good tutorial!

(1 edit)

Hi, thanks! I watched the video, and I noticed you missed the big Demo 2.0 update. I released it a couple of days ago on steam, lots of changes! Thanks for the feedback on the video.



You should have access to the new assets if you purchased this bundle. If you still encounter any issues, feel free to contact me on Discord: .szymonq

Thanks, I'm also happy with how it turned out, garva sounds good

Thanks :)

(1 edit)

Thank you! In your free time, please rate this asset pack, it will help me a lot

Thank you very much for the kind words! You probably couldn't have played a demo, since I've only been working on the game for 3 months. :)

Thank you very much for the feedback and the video, I really liked how much you hated John, haha. As for the full version, I do plan to add it on itch as well. Thanks again for the feedback and kind words!

Last Report is a dark horror pixel art game where you play as a night shift park ranger. While monitoring the camera footage, you start noticing strange events. 

Link to the page:

Uncover the terrifying secret of Among Green Trees National Park.

Trailer link:

Hey, I listened to It's Happening Again and I really love the mysterious and unsettling vibe. I was wondering if there’s a possibility of collaborating with you? I need music for the trailer of my upcoming game (pixel art horror), and your track fits perfectly. However, I would need a slightly longer piece that builds up faster. If you're interested, let me know!, I can show you the game. Once again, great work!

Thanks! 1) You're allowed to modify the asset, but you're not allowed to modify and resell the asset 2) after releasing my game, I plan to go back and update the assets.

Thanks, and good luck with the game! When you have time, please review the asset, it would really help me a lot.

Yes you are allowed to change colors when you buy premium version, you can't modified and sell it

Thanks! :)

Thanks, Great Game!

Thanks for kind words! i powodzenia w tworzeniu gier :)

You should receive all premium resource packs, please check again, if you still haven't received them, please message me on discord: .szymonq

Hi! Answering the questions:

1) Yes, you can use my assets in your game that you sell on Steam (even the free one) 

2) There will be no problem, but if you use free assets, it would be nice to provide a link (or credits) to the assets :) (you don't have to)

3) No, credits are not required

You can change asset pack as long as you don't sell it.

I hope I helped Thanks!

Thanks for your support! Currently focused on a dark theme monsters pack, but love the idea of lava and fire. Probably will do fire asset next time. As for the update on the golem pack you asked about, it's in the works, but I need to finish my current asset pack first. If you need "slide" adjustments, just email me or discord after your purchase, and I'll send you version without "slide" if you need only that.

Thanks :)

Thanks :)


Thanks, In the next update of the pack I will add version without sliding movement

Thanks :)