Thanks for the update! I improved my playerscript over the last weeks myself and what helped me for good walljumping are raycasts that detect the walls and the correct direction plus the coyote timer is working on them too, so if you'd pressed slightly to early in one direction, the jump will still be possible.
A member registered Feb 17, 2022
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2D Platformer Controls in Godot Engine comments · Posted in 2D Platformer Controls in Godot Engine comments
thanks, that's a huge help for a complete beginner like me. what I'm missing is a coyote-timer, because right now you can always jump after falling from a plattform (mid-air). how would I set something like that up? do I need to set up a new state like "falling"? the walljumping doesn't quite feel right, because you have to press into the wall (left/right) and then jump to activate the walljump. simply touching the wall doesn't do it or pressing slightly too early into the other direction. how could I improve that? with a raycast? thanks for everything!