16:9 is the aspect ratio. For example almost all monitors that are not ultrawide have a 16:9 aspect ratio.
1080p as in the resolution of the game.
I REALLY like this aesthetic choice!
How you mixed the pixel art style with the realistic foliage, the lighting, and the VHS camera filter really give it this "pop" that I think you can easily double down on with almost 0 doubt.
16:9 1080p and some things to do, and I can see this becoming a pretty solid game!
Really fun concept!! I think this would be a very fun party/school computer type game!
Flesh it out, use some original work you own/can use, work on balancing the levels (maybe different difficulties? Double the time during an easy mode?) and I can see this game becoming a bit of a classic.
I can totally see this being played on something like CoolMathGames for example.
Hey my friend! I'm currently working on the early stages of a game but unfortunately I'm more on the line of being an "idea guy", if you're okay with that and would love to work on a story together (or at least try to) I would be more then interested!
My discord is moody_chan, just lmk what yours is.
Hi everyone!
My name is Moody and I'm currently looking for help with basic level design for this 2D Maze Game that I am currently working on for a Game Jam!
I have made a few levels by myself, but given the deadline I hope to add some more by the end of the jam.
If you're interested, my discord is moody_chan and I would LOVE to show you what I've completed so far. Thank you so much for your consideration.