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Moon Tribe

A member registered Nov 22, 2018 · View creator page →

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Hello there! Of course, you can. The only two limitations are you can't re-sell the pack itself or parts of it as individual assets or use it for bed things, otherwise, you are good to go. And I hope that you will make a great game and earn some good money with it :)

Thanks<3 that a great idea, I was thinking about some sci-fi set)

of course, you can edit sprites according to your needs

thank you for the purchase, and have fun with your game <3

yes, you can use it for commercial games on or other markets

But we will think about this

Hello, currently the only limitation is - that you can't resell this asset as an individual project, but you can use it in any of your projects, modify, change, etc.

We plan to add characters to this pack in the future, but currently, we have only one animator, and he's already working on the limits, so I don't have ETA, for this update. But you can try to add our free characters from this pack
they are not 100% fit, but can be a start :)

if you want the exact sizes for each building please drop us an email:

Buildings are in a bit higher resolution in case someone will use them separately. 

Hey there, thanks for the feedback, can you describe it in a bit more detail. Maybe we can fix these issues in the future. This pack originally were built for Unity, and only partly suitable for tiling (floor, walls, water, and some traps). You can throw us an email at
Thank you very much and have a great day!

I have added Animation with all sprite animations and sprite sheets. Please note that sprite sheets use original sprite sizes, if you plan to build your game for mobile I recommend using half/quarter sizes, sorry for the inconvenience :) 

Hi there, thank you! They should be available in both options, probably I forgot to take them out from Unity Project, give me a moment I will upload sprite sheets.

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Thanks for the purchase!

All of the upgrades for our packages are free, we don't plan to change this in near future :)

Hi there, unfortunately, we don't have snowy options for these islands. Currently we are working on the new buildings for this pack (blacksmith, mage tower, etc.)

but the decoration size is different

tiles of earth is 512x512

Hey sorry for some reason all files except animated were hidden, now should be correct. Also, added animated nature icons. Currently working on new icons and other animations, will add them soon.

Thanks for the feedback and have a nice start of the week!

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Thanks mate, same to you, stay safe and healthy and of course have fun) update is now live you can find files in this archive

Things are ready will add them in the next fed days :)

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Hey Mate, thanks for purchase, working on it, should go live in this month

hmm I think it won't be a problem, he's working on a new asset pack now but hearts should not take much time.

Hey! Sure you can use this asset to create a game like the binding of Isaac :) If you will put a credit that art was created by Moon Tribe studio we will be very pleased!

Thanks and good luck with your project

Hey, yes you can but please add to description that if someone plan to use your project commercially they should purchase art assets, thanks!

it is CC0 but if you can put attribution anywhere in your project it would be great and we will be very thankful ^^